Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mongolian Beef Squad

If I ever make a famous band, I'm going to name it, the Mongolian Beef Squad. We'll hold the best concerts because we will throw out free Mongolian Beef into the crowd and let them eat it. We'll make them all wash their hands before they enter the concert and be hygienic. DANG! Then I'll have like a after concert party with the VIP and they'll all be given free meat and we'll all gorge ourselves in it. Then we'll have a huge five cow steak (a steak that is put together by the meat of five cows) and we'll jump on it and that'll be our stage. One of our song lyrics will be, "HUNGRY PEOPLE GET YO' MEAT HERE~!" Then a rocking guitar riff, then for the music video, we'll be rocking out in a meat buffet. Dang. I can't wait to get famous.

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