Sunday, March 1, 2009

Manly Month of March

Apparently, this is the Manly Month of March and if you're a man, you're not allowed to shave. So I thought of the concept of abstaining from some activities and I decided to give up somethings for the month of March. Roughly. I hope this makes me a little more likable but whatever.
  1. Shaving.
  2. My visits to Steward and playing DOTA all night.
  3. Making fun of Youn Joo Lee.
  4. Unnecessary physical contact including but not limited to the following: hitting, hugging, embracing, kissing, rubbing, patting, tapping, and/or grabbing.
  5. Lone media entertainment (watching stuff by myself) including but not limited to the following: watching movies, watching shows, and/or youtube.
  6. I'm gonna give up some sleep in the mornings so I can go out and pray to this awesome possum God of mine.
  7. Retarded catch phrases of mine including but not limited to the following: sack of dirt, awesome possum, anyword-tastical, word, hey dog, supsup, saying "whussup" for the fifth time in the duration of one get-together.
  8. Stealing stuff without asking.
I think of anymore but I'm sure my good friends can. Hopefully they will be kind and just not mention anymore but if you're inclined to to "help" me become a better human being, shame on you for not loving me as I am. tsk. Shoot, I have to sleep early if I want to wake up early and it's like 10:10 so, farewell and I hope the next time I see you, I'm a better human being with an awesome beard/moustache in my case.

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