Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Too Beautiful Women and the Breaking of Hearts

I was on Facebook and I saw the profile of a girl I used to like in Highschool. So I went through her profile pictures again just for memories' sake (which is not creepy at all [DON'T JUDGE ME! {DON'T LOOK AT ME!}]) Anywho, as I was going through the pictures, I realized that she was REALLY pretty. Like, out-of-my-league pretty and one thought came to my head.

"Guys like me aren't allowed to like girls that pretty."

As depressing as it may sound, it isn't. It's actually just a very true statement. I'm not being self-deprecating at all. I'm just saying it as it is. I think that's why I stopped liking her. Because I just realized that she was WAY TOO pretty for me. I have a way of objectifying women and just watching them if they are pretty, interesting, or cute (I know, I'm a disgusting little man. [DON'T JUDGE ME! {DON'T LOOK AT ME!}])
I also think that this is why I have a tendency to like celebrities that are not the prettiest. DON'T GET ME WRONG! I like those too. It's just that I like some celebrities even though others might consider them not as pretty. Case in point, Ga-in of Brown Eyed Girls. There are some REALLY bad pictures of her that I have no excuse for but I like her! (DON'T JUDGE ME! [DON'T LOOK AT ME!])
So anywho, I know that in the future, my heart is never going to get broken by a beautiful woman. It's the plain and simple ones that I have to worry about breaking this little heart of mine. :(

God is good. All the time. Homeboy. I'm not putting this at the end of everything as a sign-off. I genuinely believe that God is good at all times even when I make a random post about weird things. ok?

PostScript. I like playing around with the font. It looks a lot more dynamic. Perhaps I should try it some more. :D


sarah chong said...

i think that's why i stopped liking all my elementary school crushes, sigh. they were just too good-looking for me. but i still like pretty good-looking male celebrities.. but not as pretty female celebrities. i think it's because i secretly relate to the not pretty female celebrities in hopes that i will get together with a good looking male celebrity. and they all lived happily ever after, the end. (:

simonchung said...

every time it was bold and bigger, i imagined you screaming it at the top of your lungs. :)