Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Attraction To The Religious and A Little Rant On Girls And Boys

I found myself getting more and more attracted to religious figures in television shows and movies. I really like Frollo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I like Jesus in the Passion of the Christ.

My latest infatuation is Shepherd Book in Firefly. There is this one thing he says that I thought was pretty funny.

Shepherd Book: "If you take any sexual advantage over her, you're going to burn in a very special level of hell. The level reserved for child molesters and people who talk in theatres."

That's more or less what he said. There are definitely some things religiously, that he says that I kind of wince at but overall, he's a likeable character and he has extremely crazy hair.

Anywho, I also just wanted to say something that I kind of figured out concerning girls, boys, and what they do to express adoration for the other.

Girls spend time on boys. Boys spend money on girls.

That's why you always hear boys complain about finances and you never see girls. (When they are in a relationship)

Of course, this is a broad generalization but I see that this is fairly true. More or less. Give or take a couple truth units.

Keep God in your hearts. :D

PostScript. Zac Efron comes out in Firefly. Man, even as a child he's made amazing choices. He's so cool.

1 comment:

Michelle Park said...

Every time I think I have you figured out, you completely throw me off again (like with that Zac Efron thing). You're crazy.