Tuesday, April 19, 2011

3 Reasons Why Tron: Legacy Was Awesome Possum

This post is for all the haters out there. Possible Spoilers so read at your own discretion.

1. Olivia Wilde

Not her face, but her hair and mannerisms. OHMAHGAH!!!!!
Her giggle.
Her entrancing stare.
Her kicking of the butts.

2. Jeff Bridge's overt use of "man"

I am not nearly nerdy enough to count how many times he says "man", but he says "man" in some serious parts. Like when he's about to get killed and stuff.

3. Tron is all about religion.

If you missed out on all the religious references in the movie, then you are just blinded by something.

Flynn: "I have created a program in my own image."
Flynn: "The conditions were just perfect and the Isoes were created out of nothing."
Castor: "I used to believe in users once."
Flynn: "The thing about perfection is, it's unknowable."
A reference to the "Purge"

I have to say, the original Tron was a bit more about Theism while this Tron Legacy seems to be about evolutionism. But there IS that Jesus Christ figure at the end so, I need to take a deeper look into it.

Anywho, you really cannot have a more evident allusion to religion in a film. Behind the neon lights, the Daft Punk sound track (which is its own reason why Tron: Legacy is awesome possum), and the cool hairstyles, there is a deeper allusion to an argubly deistic/theistic worldview.

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