Tuesday, I met with Stephanie Ting and asked for a hair cut. She said, "ok." So we went over to Horton Hall and she cut my hair. She cut off a chunk of my sideburns so when it was all done, I ended up with a Bowl Cut. As cool as Bowl Cuts are, I already did it so afterwards, I went over to Ju Kyung Cho and Rui Guo's room to use their buzzer. As I was buzzing my hair, Daros Koding came and decided to buzz his hair as well.
At the end of the day, after hours of not knowing what to do, I decided to get a Mohawk.
It looks like this.

I have to make my face like that. A side affect of getting a Mohawk. Strange. Sadly, It'll probably be gone before people see me. If you are lucky enough to see me, congratulations~ :)
if you let me get a picture with you i'll buy food.
Most awesome decision I've ever made on a Tuesday - thank you. Increased my street cred by 100%.
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