Sunday, February 28, 2010

An Epiphany Once Again

[on a completely unrelated note, I named my sinful alter ego The Emperor I'll explain this in the next post]

I just realized...

sometimes, I find myself desperately wanting to be hip and cool. Either by being a musician, or photographer, or artistic, or whatnot.

Then I realized just how much I don't know about God.

Nothing in the known universe, is more hip, than being a missionary for me. Nothing ever will be. And The Emperor* is going to have to live with that.

The people of this world have no say in what is hip. I think God is hip. And God gave me the calling to be a missionary. So I know that I have the coolest job that a man can have.

I think that you all can have a hip job. It's not relativism though. It's hip, only if God tells you to do it. So it all has to have that ONE common trait.

Anywho, if nobody understood this, then it's ok. But if you do, then I know that sometimes, you go through some painful thought processes of feeling inadequate. Don't worry. You are backed by the coolest Guy around. in the entire known world. For the only Guy in existence that matters, you are cool. :)

This is what brought along this revelation:

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