Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Execrable Act of Gossip

I'm going to talk about something that I hate with deep passion: Gossip.

This is pretty big among the girls and it happens all the time. I heard. Which sucks.

I hate it because you are destroying someone's reputation and having fun while doing so. You even drag people who aren't involved in anyway and just fill their heads with bad thoughts about the person.

I heard something interesting from a girl. She said, "when a bunch of girls gossip, they want you to get into it as well. If you are on the side just trying not to get involved, they'll stare at you with hateful eyes. They'll look at you as if you were judging them." These are not exact words but it's what I got out of her explanation. This infuriates me.

I think if there is someone who is not joining in the gossip, then this proves that they are pretty ashamed of what they are doing. And if they are not, then they at least know that it is wrong. So if a girl, (and I pray that this doesn't happen but sadly, I know it does. why do men gossip? WHY?!) or a boy, is caught gossiping, then I think that they should feel the same amount of shame as if they were caught watching pornography.

But when you catch a man watching porn, they won't glare at you with eyes that say, "don't judge me". I promise you, most men would probably look down in shame after the shock of getting caught has passed.

Now, I don't judge people who murder their families. I don't judge people who rape little girls. I don't judge people who overdose on cocaine or heroin. But I have to say, that my sinful self, does judge those Christians out there who gossip about people who they don't like. I judge them hard. I'm not even joking. I am fully aware that it is not my place to judge anyone, regardless of their belief, but I do judge. Sad to say.

All this to say, stop gossiping immediately. My respect for anyone who gossips tend to decline extremely quickly. I pray you would stop.

If the reader is pagan and thinks I'm an utter douche-bag who needs to get off his high horse, sorry. But I don't share the same worldview as you do. I only judge Christians who do retardedly stupid things, like gossiping. Non-christians who gossip? I just chalk it up to their ignorance.

Ugh. Pisses me off.

God loves me. Unconditionally. Even when I'm stupid and judgmental.

PostScript. Don't effing gossip.

PostPostScript. Now that I'm starting school. I have a lot of things to say. :D

PostPostPostScript. Don't effing gossip.

PostPostPostPostScript. I just realized that this isn't even a rebuke. I have no love in this post. Just utter hatred. This is more of a rant. I apologize for that. I love you. I just don't love gossip. But I pray that gossiping ceases to exist and thank you for reading through. If you did. :D

1 comment:

simonchung said...

stop gossiping about gossipers. :)