Today, I got pulled over by Popo while riding on my bicycle. I was pulled over because bikers are not allowed to go through places where students walk and I did. The popo asked me if I knew this and I said no. Because I didn't want a ticket. Then he called in and asked if Richard Chung was ever pulled over and much to my dismay, the radio LOUDLY proclaimed that that I have been pulled over before. :( So I tried to scramble around for excuses and I found one: "I didn't know that the place I went through was considered off limits."(THAT EXCUSE REALLY DOES WORK IN REAL LIFE! THANK YOU DAVE CHAPPELLE!) He let me go but I could tell that he thought I was scum. :( especially because of my ID picture. Sigh. I'm a nice boy. I promise.
God is good. All the time. Even when I get pulled over and judged by the popo.
You can get pulled over on a bike? Twice?
I totally saw that Dave Chappelle clip...ahahaha can't believe it worked!
Hahaha! I love it!
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