Monday, February 8, 2010

Three Things That Brighten My Day No Matter The Circumstances

1. This video of Shane and Shane playing The Answer live. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (if you're wondering, just ask Simon, he knows why. Actually, a bunch of other Biola people know why too. Leah, Linko de Mayo, Ju?, etc.)

2. This SONG, not the video, I couldn't care less about the video, I don't even think I watched the video through. Only the the first 1:53 of it is worth anything. But the song makes me laugh. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. (I think only D.Money and Rai Chuzz [Righteous] know why this is funny. If I explain it, I might just kill it for myself so don't ask me. HAHAHAHHAHAA. SO FUNNY THOUGH!)

3. Whenever D.Money randomly says, "butt." HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. (I'm gonna be so sad when he leaves Biola. IF he leaves, I still have hope.)


Unknown said...

Major LOLz :D

leahrevived said...

i, sadly, know why the second video is funny.