Monday, June 28, 2010

Fringe and Christianity

This MIGHT be a spoiler but it doesn't really ruin anything but if you are super stingy, then do not read.

A thought came up while watching an episode of Fringe. A priest talks with the main character who is a fringe scientist (fringe science is a branch of science that focuses on the supernatural sciences and stuff like reanimation, telekinesis, and other bizarre things). This is the bit of their dialog that I found interesting.

Walter Bishop (the scientist): [paraphrased] The man's energy when he died jumpstarted the girl's life force so that she was able to come back from the dead.

Actual Bishop (though he's actually only a priest, but I liked the play on words. Bishop vs. bishop): That's absurd!

Now, the reason I found this fascinating was because the Actual Bishop has no right calling anything absurd. If he is willing to believe in a man that died 2000 years ago and the same man claims that he rose from the dead to single-handedly pay the debt of all mankind for their sin so that the rest of humanity may have a chance of being in the favor of God, then how can the Bishop call anything absurd?

I just thought it was strange that the man of faith was the skeptic in this show. Very new approach. I liked it.

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