Saturday, May 31, 2008

Comments on My Sister's Comments

My sister said something really stupid and cliche that stuck with me and annoys me. She said, "My friends aren't bad people. They're just good people that do bad stuff."

I was slightly annoyed like crazy and I was thinking and I came up with a response. If what she said is true, then I would be a bad person that does good stuff. das rah.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Richardian Occupation

I love my job and I'm fully aware that the title is a grammatical nightmare. Dood. In the last two days, I had to get up at five in order to get to work on time and I find myself falling asleep at around nine so that I can get up in the morning. I know people that go to sleep at five. Anywho, I get up and I go to BIOLA and I automatically have to get working. I go up to where I work, I pick up my roller that I left there the previous day and I start painting where I stopped the previous day. I know it sounds boring and intense but sersly, I love my job. Because it pays ridiculously well. Let's see, there are two men of African decent, three Koreans, and an assortment of whites, latinos, and others. This just tells you what I pay attention to and notice. I notice blacks and gooks.

In the last two days, two irreplacable co-workers got injured and were unable to work for the rest of the day. First fella, one of the Africanians, cut himself with his own pocket knife. I don't know how but he did. The second feller, a white man, strained his back. At this rate, in twenty-one days, the BIOLA painting crew will have no one left.

After work, I come home and try to eat cereal. Then I go on the computer till either I'm tired or the clock hits nine. Then I turn off the lights, watch Blades of Glory or Attack the Gas Station on my MP3, then I go to sleep. ye. That's been my schedule for the past two days.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Richardian Views on Television

I once watched an episode of the show "Cops" and in the beginning, the cop that they were following said something that stuck with me. He said, "People think that cops are robots, but we're not." and I immediately responded to the television, "uh, no," because I respond to television shows.

This is a list of things my body automatically does when I see a cop while driving. These things may or may not be what others do but I do them.
  1. I glance at the speedometer, even though I don't see how many miles per hour I am going.
  2. I ease on the brakes regardless of how fast I'm going. Even if I'm going way under the speed limit.
  3. I think of every single driving law I've broken from the time I left the house to that moment.
  4. I start and finish a quick-prayer.
When I watch "Jeopardy," I try to answer the questions and everytime, I feel one of three things.
  1. Smart, because I answer correctly.
  2. Stupid, because I don't know the answer.
  3. and A Nincompoop of Elephantine Proportions, because I answer it incorrectly.
I used to watch a grip of Korean comedies and I would laugh like crazy a lot. Then on one of the talk shows, they talked about something. That person posted a mirror next to the television and they watched a comedy show. Then while in the midst of laughter, she glanced at herself all alone, watching the television alone, and laughing alone. Then she felt pretty sad and I thought that was the funniest thing I've ever heard and so while I was laughing at her, I ran to the restroom to see myself laughing and I realized how true it was. As I was laughing and looking at myself in the mirror, my smile slowly went away and I was standing there looking at myself in the mirror in an awkward silence. Then I went back annoyed at myself and watched the rest of the show. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself as I was sitting there alone, watching alone, and laughing alone. ye.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The 100th Post

I'm going to try and make this post one hundred
words long because it is my one hundredth post. I
saw a poster for a Christian evangelizing group with a
picture of an old lady that said, "Imagine waiting one
hundred years to hear the gospel, she did." and I
thought, "DOOOOOOOODDD! THAT'S RIDICULOUS. I once lost around one hundred
dollars because I was stupid. The thing is, I had
a hundred dollar bill, and I thought that it would
be better if I split it so if I lost
it, then it wouldn't be so bad. Then I went
out with five twenties still in my pocket and then
I lost it. I actually have one hundred thirty five
words but I'm the owner of this blog mu a
ha ha ha ha ha.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Aristocrats of Korea

I found out that even the rich people of Korea live in apartments.



Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Shining Post

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Richardian Double-Life

My life at CPC and my life at BIOLA are both quite awful. I know that in my blog, some posts are understood by CPC people and some are understood by BIOLA people, but in this one, I'll be the only one to understand it because I'm the only one that attends both. hohoho. Anywho, both have their pros and cons, BIOLA is full of jerks that call me stupid (LeahLee is a jerk) and CPC is full of jerks that make me feel stupid (Yuggs is a jerk). At CPC, I can share a lot more about myself and at times, I'm put into an auto-share rapidfire mode where I just unleash my tongue at the nearest person and reveal my deepest darkest secrets to them which I'm sure makes them uncomfortable to say the least. At BIOLA, I can chill with chill girls that I practice playing pool with and make food with at night without being special friends. I talked to people at CPC about BIOLA that I can't share with BIOLA people and they tell me how what I did was a mistake and I agree with them because I was on rapidfire mode and clearly not in my right mind. I talk to people at BIOLA about things that I don't talk to CPC people about because the atmosphere is definitely different and there are a lot more white people. I'm going to shpill for a long time. I heard complaints from former-attendees of CPC that the service and everything was really dry and people don't raise their hands how jumping is a satanic practice and such but I don't really care that we don't do this because regardless, my heart is not there. I'm thinking about either trying to improve my voice by singing or I'm just out of it and I want to sit. I heard complaints from other christians that BIOLA was liberal because a lot of Sarang people went there and from what I know, the professor's theologies are fairly solid and the parts that aren't don't really matter too much. However, at CPC, there's a massive aura of hate running around and superiority. We look down on other churches and I can't help feel that CPC is actually just like every other church regarding the percentage of people that don't really care whether or not CPC is Christ-centered. I'm referring"Sunday-Christians." And at BIOLA, the values are definitely different. Gossip spreads quickly. Ok. Gossip might be too strong a word but still baby. Word travels faster than I do. Also, there's a lot of flirting going around, (MASSAGE. WTHIZZIE?!) if you don't know what I'm talking about, you will never know. It might just be me, but too much touchie feelie man. And there's a lot of problems that you would expect from a pagan school. Drugs, dancing, gambling (that's all me), and girl problems. I'm really emotional right now so I might regret this but probably not because I like my blog and I support everything I put on my blog as much as I support Rhami. If you don't know what that means, don't ask me, ask Rhami or Shinae. I don't want to answer. I had a superiority complex when I came to BIOLA and I called all the suckaz dumb. ye. But then I realized that I was just as dumb as them all. Freakin' CPC jacked me. I'm mad emotional right now. Props to DaKimi of RiceMonkeys. He got an ElSalvadorian homegirl. Let they be togethuh always forevermore. I didn't see a clear picture of her so I'm not sure if she's pretty. Anywho. Oh, one thing that both CPC and BIOLA has in common is that they both correct me when I say "much" instead of "many" which annoys me because it just goes to show how thick my skull is. After saying this, I could so imagine one particular CPC man with long hair coming up to me and saying "many" to my face as many times as I can't take. (Hanburgerman) Ye. Here's a secret message for ya'll. The code is: METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE.

It's really easy to figure out but I hope you don't because I don't want you to.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I got a new phone entitled the Venus. So I googled it to get a picture of the phone and I completely forgot that it was a planet. So here are pictures and information of the Venusi (sing. Venus).

1st Venus: The Planet

This guy is the second closest planet to the sun in our solar system. You can see him in the sky. He's the brighest "star" in the sky, but it's not a star, it's Venus. It's surface has a lot of poisonous stuff on it that'll probably kill you and there's a Sci-Fi (Science Fiction) book written that takes place on Venus entitled "All Summer in a Day" which is very sad. The setting is: it constantly rains on Venus except once every seven years or so. Story is: It's about a weird girl that talks about the sun constantly on a sunless Venus and a bunch of shekkie kids lock the girl up in a locker. Then the sun actually does come up for one hour and all the kids play and have fun and when the sun goes away again, they all remember the weird girl and they go back and let her out.

Second Venus: The Goddess of Love

Apparently, this homegirl emerged from the sea in a clam and that's how she came to be. No birth, no nothing. Anywho, not sho who the other guys in the picture are but whatever. She is supposed to be pretty so I'm guessing this picture doesn't do her justice. A story, hrm, there was a contest between the goddesses, Juno, Minerva, and Venus to see who the "fairest" was and it was up to a shepherd (hohoho) to decide who the fairest was. So Juno offered the shepherd complete power. Minerva offered him complete wisdom. And Venus offered him the bride of his choice, meaning he could marry whoever he wanted. The shepherd picked Venus. hohoho, pervo.

Third Venus: My Phone

Yeyuh. Mah phone baby. It has great camera, touchpad for menu and...GOOD SERVICE!!! yeyuh. So I don't have to hang up on people that are telling me their problems and asking for advice and dope. If people called me to do that. Shame not many do. But you guys can. Ok. Story. I was sleeping and the phone rang and I thought it was the alarm. so I pressed the side button to shut it up. Then as I was sleeping for twenty seconds, I realized that I was taking a nap in mid-day and my alarm shouldn't have gone off at the time and I looked at my phone and someone was calling me. Wow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Richard's Hands

I think I'm going to get Carpal Tunnel. My Richardizations require me to keep my hands still for a decent amount of time and on top of that, I'm playing video games a little more often. one more thing is I have an application on Facebook, the Typing Speed application. I am trying massively hard to improve my score so I find myself typing a lot instead of studying which is ridiculous.

For others with similar problems, here is something I found that may be of use to you:

Things that may help prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Lose weight if you're overweight.
  • Get treatment for any disease you have that may cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • If you do the same tasks with your hands over and over, try not to bend, extend, or twist your hands for long periods.
  • Don't work with you arms too close or too far from your body.
  • Don't rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods.
  • Switch hands during work tasks.
  • Make sure your tools aren't too big for your hands.
  • Take regular breaks from repeated hand movements to give your hands and wrists time to rest.
  • Don't sit of stand in the same position all day.
  • If you use a keyboard a lot, adjust the height of your chair so that your forearms are level with your keyboard and you don't have to flex wrists to type.

Yeah, so that's that. Take care and don't get Carpal Tunnel. Ow my hands hurt from typing...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Technologically Insufficient

In order to edit and complete my film I went all pumped up to the computer lab where they have high tech computers for editing. When I got there, I didn't know where to put in the mini-dvd, so I just went back home. sigh~

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Like Pictures

Pictures add a lot of color to a person's blog so I'm going to try and use them more. hrm. I'll google: REVELATION and post a picture I like up.

Yup. The other ones are kind of stupid-looking or freaky. I like pictures of text which is kind of weird because pictures make a thousand words apparently, but if you have pictures of text, then what are we left with?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

This is Me

At times, I feel short and full of smarts. At other times, I feel deprived of light and oxygen. That's a hyperbole. DPLT. Notice how the brain is in a ridiculous suit. That's what I feel like when I'm smart. It's like I'm hiding or wearing an outer layer or something. And when I'm pinky, I feel vulnerable as if my true self is not something I like to show. Yeah. I hope it is good.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why I Don't Look Forward To Weekends

I have been without a job for the longest time and it is affecting both me and my associates at my church because no job means no money. I know that every weekend my colleagues go out to eat and they fellowship and such. I go and I state that I'm not hungry, which is true. However, nobody believes me because I would still eat their leftovers because I'm bored. I eat when I'm bored and there is available food before me. People offer to buy me but I don't want to inconvenience them. I know that the people offering might not feel like they are being inconvenienced but I still don't think I should.


I will answer you.

My pagan non-Christian answer might have been because of my pride. However, that doesn't work out because my pride is still in danger when I'm eating the leftovers. So no, that isn't it.

Then what?

I'm glad you asked, I will tell you.

It is that when I first accept, you will be fine but I do not want a relationship where people around me and I are placed in an awkward situation the next time we go out. They might be thinking, "DUDE, THIS GUY NEVER HAS MONEY. I HATE HIS GUTS. MUTHU..." yadiyadiyada. At the same time, I might be thinking, "DUDE, THAT DOUBLE-DOUBLE LOOKS SO GOOD. I'm not hungry but I hope that person buys me today..." blahblahblah. And that way, one of us will always be disappointed. Either I will ask and that person will feel obliged to buy me or that person will not offer and I will be bored out of my skull and lusting after the double-double. I know that you guys are thinking, "dude, Richard, why do you lie and say you're not hungry?" Well, I'm not hungry that's why. I try not to lie and saying I'm not hungry when I'm hungry is a lie so you just have to believe me. I'm not trying to get out of being bought, I'm just not hungry. I might be bored but not hungry.

So I will stop here before this post gets any longer but money and food is basically why I don't look forward to weekends.

God is God regardless of my money problems and I should treat him as God whether I'm rich or poor.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Richard Likes to Dream

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

-W.B. Yeats

Richardian Views and Reactions to When He Watches Movies

I realized that I'm an awfully pessimistic movie-watcher. If I watch a movie, any movie, I notice and reveal many flaws instead of fully appreciating the good aspects of the movie. It's not that I completely miss all the good parts, I just don't enjoy it as much as I should. I also realized that the more I watch a movie, the more I can grow to like it. However, there is a point when even movies I like can get old and I get tired of it. Basically, I won't ever fully say after a movie, "I don't have to watch another film again because this movie just set the standard too high and any other movie will suck compared to this." I just can't. haha. Whenever someone asks me what I felt about the movie, I tend to show resistance in saying that it was good and that I enjoyed it. An example would be IronMan. It was good but I just noticed some parts that I didn't like. I know it sounds like I didn't like IronMan now, but I did. It's weird.

PostScript. Watch all the way until after the end credits. It's the best.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Richardian Confessions

I'm an attention hog. I love it. I feel like a loser saying it but still.

I need purpose in everything I do. Unfortunately, the purpose of "glorifying God" is not enough for me. I'm such a sinner.

The "attacks" have been laying off and I'm holding up fairly well but it's my pride that is keeping me up, not God.


I'm making a movie but I'm afraid that it'll suck. The thing is, I'm pretty sure it'll be good, it's just the time and resources that I don't have.


People would say, "but dood, I see you with girls all the time." Yeah, but it's weird. I don't know why I can talk to some girl s and why I'm utterly terrified of talking with others. I could talk to girls if I have purpose though.

I have low self-confidence.

My life is very image-oriented.

I'm a spendthrift.

I get annoyed with people close to me because they are close to me.

I love God.