Sunday, May 4, 2008

Richardian Views and Reactions to When He Watches Movies

I realized that I'm an awfully pessimistic movie-watcher. If I watch a movie, any movie, I notice and reveal many flaws instead of fully appreciating the good aspects of the movie. It's not that I completely miss all the good parts, I just don't enjoy it as much as I should. I also realized that the more I watch a movie, the more I can grow to like it. However, there is a point when even movies I like can get old and I get tired of it. Basically, I won't ever fully say after a movie, "I don't have to watch another film again because this movie just set the standard too high and any other movie will suck compared to this." I just can't. haha. Whenever someone asks me what I felt about the movie, I tend to show resistance in saying that it was good and that I enjoyed it. An example would be IronMan. It was good but I just noticed some parts that I didn't like. I know it sounds like I didn't like IronMan now, but I did. It's weird.

PostScript. Watch all the way until after the end credits. It's the best.

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