Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

A woman is sitting in her old, shuttered house. She knows that she is alone in the whole world; every other thing is dead.
The doorbell rings.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For My Birthday

I received for my birthday
25 Facebook messages
a Strawberry Shortcake from the cafeteria from my roommates
a cacti
and pieces of paper with happy birthday written somewhere on it.

My Child

I've been thinking about little half-breed animals like ligers and tigons and mules and such and I got to thinking about a half-human half-gorilla hybrid. This human would be mad-hairy and mad-strong. I would like such a body guard. I guess people think that its forbidden because this experiment would be playing around with human life but still. It'd be a superior being. It'd be athletically superior. I would name him...Gorilla Boy 101.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Outlook on Classes

My English teacher thought I looked like a gang member. This is going to be a good semester.

New Hobby

I'm going to take up cooking. I have previously experience so it shouldn't be all that scary. Anywho, two movies I really want Hollywood to remake is 12 Angry Men and Bonnie and Clyde. I have a casting description for Bonnie and Clyde already: Bonnie-Really Pretty Girl, Clyde-Really Cool Guy with half-glasses, CW-Guy with a Cool Noticeable Tattoo Covering his Entire Chest, Blanche-Cool Girl Constantly with Cool Glasses and Eventually Bandaged Around the Eye due to Injury, Buck-Crazy Mofo. Mang, I really want to see a remake. They have a short film entitled Bunny and Clydo, no doubt a play off Bonnie and Clyde, and I want to watch it but haven't got around to doing so. I really want to watch it...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Quite a Good Quote

I constantly walk into a room and I don't remember why. But for some reason, I think there's going to be a clue in the fridge.
- Caroline Rhea


Best response to the movie:
A random man on the other side of the theater: "What?!"

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Lamp, The Statue, the Jacket, and the Demon Pit Stomach of No Bottom

The title is referring to the Three Colors trilogy. I watched all three consecutively. I sat down for five hours and watched them. I'm awful.

Anywho, I found out my father has a Demon Pit Stomach of No Bottom. He explained to me that when he was a child, he ate 12 packets of Ramen or 15 packs of Chow Mein.

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's the worst when...

you find out an unattractive girl likes you.