Saturday, August 30, 2008


I used to be angry all the time. And then I grew up.


I read an interesting sign in my dorm room. It went something like this.

"When you don't know which way to turn, you can turn to God."

Then I thought about it. and I slept on it. and I contemplated on it. and I decided to add some things to it.

"When you don't know which way to turn, you can turn to God. And if you do know which way to turn, then you're turning towards God."

I know. Mad Genius.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I'm evolving into a Social Butterfly. I'm slowly emerging from my Cocoon of Shydom.

Rocks, Papers, and Scissors

I won a spot in my English class by defeating someone in Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Julie Running

There She Goes.
This Picture Makes Me Laugh So Much.
Every Time I Look at It.

The Adventures of RicaChu, Joy, and DaKimi

DaKimi, Joy, and I embarked on a journey to the fabled city of Angels in order to complete some herculean tasks and explore the mysterious city. This is the tale of our adventure.

Everything we did, I recorded in a little blue booklet I got as a gift from my sister #2.

Possible Places to Visit: Abbot Kinney (a road next to Joe Chong's Blur Studio, the most awesomest workplace ever), Rodeo Galleria (Galleria with a REALLY pretty advertisement girl and the place where I picked up my contacts), Little Tokyo (Really really fun place to chill), East Los Angeles College (college where Joy's professor jacked up her grades. So Joy had to go fix it by turning in some paperwork)

Places We Visited: All except Abbot Kinney

Now these next few things are what was actually written in my notebook in case we died or disappeared and wanted to keep a record for people to know what happened to us during our adventurous journey.

Page 1: We turned in Joy's paperwork. Took us 5 seconds. Had to go around entire campus though.

Page 2: At Lil Tokyo, we struggled through eating cream puffs. Almost suffocated by the powdered sugar.

Page 3: At PopKiller in Lil Tokyo, threw away money on gifts.

Page 3.5: looked at this Japanese action figure store

Page 4: Waited idly for 20 minutes to get buy one get one free fro-yo at Cefiore.

Page 4.5: Bought Octopus dimsum and Fro-Yo waffle!

Page 5: Bought refreshments at Japanese SuperMarket.

Page 6: Came to Optometry place and waited forever. Bought glasses, picked up contacts.

Then I drew a picture of each of us: RicaChu, Joy, and DaKimi and made everybody sign they're own picture.

Then I made everyone write an account of what we did that day.

RicaChu's Account:
Today was a fun and packed day full of occasional boring moments and laughs. We splurged on food and all bought random gifts we never even planned to buy. I enjoyed today.

DaKimi's Account:
Today was lots of eating, walking, and eating. Thanks to "cool" Richard, we ate and ate and ate with no restraint. Lil Tokyo was ok. We need to get some real J-food though! Let's go Gaja!

Joy's Account:
Dear Journal,
Today was a koolio and interesting day where we went to Tokyo Town. The food was good because I never tried it. I am dead tired from walking....Oh...and LA traffic is insane! If it is avoidable, I will avoid it! Many times where I was shocked to death of car crash.

Then I listed the things and foods bought.

Things Bought:

  • Shirt for Shinae
  • Massive Bugeye glasses
  • Shirt for Jacob
  • Pig for SunEun
  • Wild assortment of foods

Foods Bought:

  • Beard Papa: Cream Puffs 6 pc. reg.
  • Ginger Ale 1 Can
  • Fro-Yo Buy one Get one free
  • 3 pc. Nikuman (flavors: Niku, Taco, Curry)
  • 4 pc. Yakitori
  • Mango pudding drink
  • Leech Laurine
  • Mango Calpico
  • Milk Tea

AUG 26, 2008 end

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Flight of the Richard

This is an account of my attempts to defy the laws of nature and fly. I thought that since it was me, I could do it. I was wrong.

My Rebellious Launch Pad

God's Punishment for Trying to Defy His Rules

It was a humbling experience.

Monday, August 18, 2008

About My Self

These are aspects of my life that I would like to share with my faithfully loyal fans.

Richardian PlayTime

Richardian BassPlaying

Richardian Scharades

Richardian CardPlaying

Richardian Fashions

Trying to Pass a Lady Purse as a Man Purse

Trying to Pass a Fisherman's Hat as a Trilby

Richardian Tantrum

Richardian Tantrum

Now all my faithful fans know me that much more.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Events that Occured on August 12, 2008

I woke up at five. again. homo.

I worked for ten hours. again. homo.

Cherry picked me up at BIOLA and I drove his car to pick DaKimi up. I introduced them two, told them not to be awkward, and started driving to LosAngeles.

I went to LosAngeles to get my eyes checked and the doctor told me I had red eyes. I told her it's cuz I was tired but I think she thinks I have a disease.

I saw the prettiest model in the plaza the eye place was at. It was an ad but still. I took a picture.

I cried more than I ever did in the last couple years while trying to put contacts on. The guy that was assisting told me that a lot of girls cry too. It didn't help me. Then he told me that a lot of girls that were born 1996 cry. It didn't help me either. Either way, I was truly humbled cuz boogers were spilling out as if I was really crying. Mad embarassing.

I found out how amazing it was to see without glasses. It sersly felt like a miracle just occured. I know that eventually I'm gonna take my contacts for granted but not now. For now, I'll stay amazed and grateful.

I went to eat at a Japanese restaurant called Gaja in Torrance. MAD good. Highly recommended. I'ma go there sometime in the future.

I paid for everyone which didn't amount to much but I still felt awesomepossum. I think it's cuz I am.

I finally broke 100 mph while driving. I broke my previous personal record of 70 mph and replaced it with 135 mph. My passenger was freaking out.

I went home a knocked out. again. hetero.

Events that Occured on August 13, 2008

I posted up a blog on what I did the day before.

Monday, August 11, 2008


If you're a girl and you're being nice to a guy, you're flirting.

I jacked this from a girl so this isn't my own thang. aight? Credit to JennChung. I think she's famous. go read her blog.

Just cuz this post. I'm gonna read her blog forever.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Best Quotes Ever

If God is so evil, then why'd he make me so cool? - Phil Chung

I wanted to kill the hottest person on earth. Then I learned that there were rules against suicide. - Missy Fruchter

I won't be happy until I'm as famous as God. - Madonna

I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend. - Freddie Mercury

We're more popular than Jesus now. - John Lennon

We're not arrogant. We just believe we're the best band in the world. - Noel Gallagher of Oasis

Man, one day. I hope I can get say something that'll get me up among the best of them.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Status Updated

I am strangely content with my life right now. Hmm. I hope this isn't another phase.

The Light Manic Disease and Other Short Random Things

When you are constantly sad, people call it depression. The polar opposite of being depressed is being manic. Being a manic is being constantly happy, too happy. There are manic-depressed people who are people that have MAD mood swings. One minute they want to die and the next, they are retarded from happiness. I'm serious when I say retarded from happiness cuz manics are TOO happy and so it clouds just about everything in your brain including reason, clear thought, and standing normally.

If there was ever a light case of manic disease where a person is constantly happy, it would be great for the guy diagnosed with the light manic disease. Unfortunately, God did not deem manics appropriate for this world so there are no manics. God reserved that very special disease for the inhabitants of his kingdom-to-come. That's one more thing to look forward to when I die.

FaceBook Status: Richard Chung feels like God took off a sawdust from his eye but left a log in its place in the process of removing the sawdust. I am hating on life right now. I gotta go gido.

I find myself becoming more and more fatalistic cuz I don't have the courage to do anything about my situation and life. It's always, "Deo Volente."

I miss driving Sedans. My beloved Camry, which I named Mother, has died. It's been like a year. Shame. I hope I can save up enough to buy my Smart Car soon.

Love is unfair. I categorize love into two categories: Worldly Love and the Love of God. Both are ridiculously unfair. I don't wish to say why now. Maybe Later.

I hate love because the Beatles were right: All You Need is Love. I don't have any.

If I do, then the people that love me are terrible at showing it.

People prolly do love me. Somewhere out there. Where I can't feel it.

This is my depression post that has been inside of me for the last month or two.

I had more to type but they are way too revealing of my inner most thoughts. So no.

If my faithful fans have been wondering where Richard has been, I've been deep in the realm of depression and thought. and this is the first post where I spilled my thoughts onto. Enjoy my deep and flawed philosophical thinkings. More to come. Pray that my brain gets better so I can share more of Richard's Thoughts.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Today at the OC Fair I Saw...

박준형 of G.O.D. It was mad random. Google him and you'll know who he is. I was shocked and he has the true charisma of a Korean Pop Star.