Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dostoyevsky and I

I have officially passed the half way point of fulfilling a life long dream of mine: reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Obviously, I must blog about this tremendous event.

There are two observations that I have made while reading Crime and Punishment. One is that I really like saying out loud Russian names. Whenever a name comes up, I say it out loud where ever I'm reading. I think I can decently do Russian accents because of this and I am happy.

This book also made me think about the thin line between sanity and insanity. If you are the only sane person while everybody else in the world is insane, then are you really sane? I know that this is a pretty cliche question, but from my future occupational point of view, this is actually new and interesting. If I am the only sane person who sees that Hell awaits us and the only way to get out is Christ and I believe with my whole being that this is the truth, and everybody else does not, then am I sane or insane for believing in resurrected ancient dead men and an invisible being in the sky?

Also, on a less biblical note, I consider myself normal but a lot, ALOT LOTLOTannoyinglyLOT, of people tell me to "calm down" (this is a pet peeve of mine and I will destroy you if you tell me this), which assumes that I am not in a state of being permissible for the current situation and that I need to alter that state in order to be deemed acceptable to society. Now, why would a normal human being have to change the way they are to be accepted by loving friends and family? So this brings me to a hypothesis which I refuse to accept; that perhaps, I am a little weird (not sure if that semi-colon was properly used). (do periods go outside the parenthesis?) (whatever) So, I conclude that I am not weird. But what happens when you can visibly see that everybody else is different from you? Of course, the logical conclusion is that THEY, not you, are the weird ones. Even if "THEY" includes every other human being on the planet, they are the weird ones that refuse to listen to normality. If everybody else in the world wants to deceive themselves and believe that nothing happens after death, then they are crazy because terribly horrendous things will happen to them and they do not even recognize the possibility. If everybody else wants to conform to the strange customs of "culture" and Cultura Americana and Cultura Koreana and Cultura Russiana, then I say let them. I don't think weird people are generally bad. If I did, then I'd think that all my friends, my entire family, and my favorite celebrities are bad things. No, weird does bring about some good things which I like to recognize.

I say read this post in chunks because I don't know when I'll be back because

I'm leaving on a jet plane,
I don't know when I'll be back again
I'm leeeeeaaaavvvvvvvvving ooooonnn a jet plane,
I don't know when I'll be back again.

Random junk because I didn't blog in a while:
  1. I watched Armageddon and I cried. Great film.
  2. I watched Toy Story 3 and I cried. Amazing film.
  3. I watched Titanic and I think I teared up. Stupendous film.
  4. Don't tell me to "calm down" or I will cut you. With my mind. In my brain.
  5. The girls from Despicable Me are adorable.
  6. Yo necessito un auto.
  7. A Parable: "Never use anything that uses you back" - Reggie Watts
  8. Finally got more pants. :-)
  9. Now, the inimitable Reggie Watts!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dancing to Kids by MGMT

I love this song. But even more than the song, I love dancing to the song. It is exhilarating. After finals, let's have a dance party with just this song playing for like an hour. You should try it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

God says, "Who do you think I am?"

I was reading Genesis 22:1-19 and I came across something extremely interesting and awesome. Try to read it and see if you catch it.

...reading reading reading...

Ok. Congratulations for those who caught it and for those who didn't, I will tell you now.

In Genesis 22:16, God himself. He decides to call upon the highest power to be a witness to the covenant he lays upon Abraham and he's like, "...and...that's me!"

He does stuff like this several other times. He's allowed to be righteously selfish because a human being selfish is taking the focus off God. And since God IS God, he's allowed to put the focus on himself.

Haha. If you're God, then I guess you get a little bit of that special status. :-D

Monday, December 13, 2010

What was That? - SNL Digital Short

I really really liked this. I was thinking about the pointlessness of wars and it just rung a bell. Let's dance!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Arthur Christmas

I am putting this up because an associate of mine is working on the movie. I think he's the director or something. I jest. He's just a lowly animator but I still love him. So check it out and go support him by watching it. In theatres. For money.

If embed don't work, here's the link.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter and 6 Others

Today, I set a new record for movies in one day. My previous record was 4 movies. Today, I watched 7. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  1. Valhalla Rising
  2. Smokin' Aces 2: Assassin's Ball
  3. Sorcerer's Apprentice
  4. Adventureland
  5. The Squid and the Whale
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cool People and then some

So I was taking a look at my definition of cool and what it means to be a cool person. For me, it was the ultimate trait, in its simplest form, was not caring. Not caring what others thought. Not caring what parents thought. Not caring what the authorities thought. So I tried this. I just tried to stop caring about everything. This has caused me to go down a devastating spiral of not caring for grades, not caring for my future, and, worst of all, not caring for my friends and family. This has caused me to lose many good friends, lose my sister, and lose the cool image I had of myself because I stopped caring about how I looked and I didn't take care of my hygiene too well. I'm saying that I stopped showering for long periods of time.

Anywho, this is when I realized that not caring IS cool, but if you overdose on not caring, that turns you into something else entirely, a dooshbeg. You all know what it is so I
don't have to spell in properly. I don't like being a dooshbeg. So I tried stopping and now I am a very negative and bitter man who is poisonous to the environment.

I know this sounds like I'm being very negative and bitter but WAIT. LISTEN! I am admitting this. I'm not being negative. This is just truth. and I am expressing the desire to change. So don't judge me!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!!. :-) ok. Anywho, to end on a positive note, I've realized that most of the people I think are cool aren't the people that don't care, ironically. They are the people who care about the right things, and then a few preposterous things. People who care
about people are cool. People who care about people and what the zombie apocalypse would be like, are SUPER cool. Here's a little picture to relieve thine eyes from all these words.

hyuk hyuk.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Commercial by Ash Bolland

More videos from my media overload.

I think I love her!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The End of My Fast, a T-Mobile Phone Search, and More

Turn away all you who are too busy to read about my life. Reader beware~!


So I ended my fast today. After a week of depriving myself of television shows, leisure browsing, and games, I think I ODed on all three today. I feel so garbage-like. Anywho, I am kind of glad. I don't know if I got the intended effect. I wanted to grow in Christlikeness, but I just came to appreciate my tv shows, games, and leisure browsing. One very depressing thing I found was that I have no friends to call when I'm bored. I am very lazy and I find it hard to keep contact with friends. So I don't because I have Community, The Office, Zombieland, and Left 4 Dead to keep me accompanied when I'm lonely or bored. However, without any of these guys, I was left to fend for myself in the jungle of solitude. I played solitaire with a deck of cards at least 10 times and I got tired of it really fast. I learned three things from this fast:
  1. I am completely and utterly depraved; a sinful man is what I am.
  2. I need to work harder on my relationships.
  3. I need a girlfriend.

I am also desperately looking for a T-mobile LG Phone. I know I am the only lame human being on this earth that uses T-Mobile, but I hope you can be so kind as to ask your neighbors, fathers, mothers, brothers, wives, husbands, dogs, kind strangers, mean strangers, the village idiot, your racist friend, your crippled friend, your turtle's sons. Anybody really. I just really need a better phone. T-mobile and LG are the only two requirements. In fact, forget LG, just do T-mobile. Please. I implore you to go on this hunt with me.

If you DO find a person with an extra T-mobile phone, do the following: thank him, lecture him on why he should switch to Verizon, and take the phone.

One night (during the fast, this was a time in my life when I was depraved of a useless, BUT huge, portion of my life, and I was getting depressed as a Christian because I did not feel any holier despite my fast. I did not feel more Christlikeness.), I was laying in bed and wondering what it would feel like to feel something that I am currently incapable of feeling. I was thinking, what does it feel like to be in a state of drunkenness? Would I even be having fun? Would the hangover be worth it? What would it feel like to take LSD? Would the demons consume? Or would I make better more wonderful music? I decided that I was gonna get drunk eventually when I'm off contract. Now that I am here, consuming myself with "media", I don't think I would. I don't really feel the urge to.

But that got me thinking, "what if I DID do drugs and get drunk?" That would officially turn me into one of those "bad people" that I never was. I would not ever be able to be judgmental because I DID those things. Wouldn't that put me in a humbler state? Wouldn't that make me a better Christian?!

I thought of all the people who weren't as self-conscious as me, and COULD do those things without thinking, and just regret it later. I thought, what makes me different from them? I think about these things too much to do it by "accident". So I hypothetically developed the mindsets of [I'm already this bad, why not?] or [God will eventually forgive, if not immediately, in fact that's what I prefer, because it would be too weird if he forgave me too soon.] or [I don't even care.]. I think I was roughly around 45% serious about this.

But God is so good, even when I don't feel like God is working in me. He did not let me get to 50% serious. Also, he provided me with absolutely no access to LSD, crack cocaine, marijuana, beer, ecstasy, or even a cigar (cuz i go big or go home, no little cigarettes for me! but I still didn't have access to this). God is truly providential. If he did not put me in this stupid Christian university, who knows what I could have found in my roommate's desk? or my neighbor's? or my friend's? God works in me like a firework (reference to Katy Perry song, it makes no sense). God damns the wicked. I'm so glad Christ made me right, because i am so very wicked. It's fascinating how many times I forget that the only thing between me and damnation is a man who came and died for me on the Cross 2000 years ago. It's a very thick thin line. No typo there.

If you have read this far, you care for me much more than I deserve. Or you are retardedly bored, in which case, I urge you to go out and find an LG T-mobile phone for me. Thank you for reading what i emote.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Raising Hope: The Only Hope I Have in This God Forsaken Wasteland

This may be a gross overstatement and actually rather false. But anywho, in light of the recent broken ankle/sprained ankle controversy in my life, I have been getting a lot of advice on medicine. A lot of "You should xray that dood"s and "You need a cast man"s. But, alas, I cannot, because I am poor and I don't have insurance. Yes. I think this is why I bag on Terrance's occupation a lot. (He is an insurance salesman) I apologize for all those times I put you through pain Terrance.

Anywho, I've watched the latests episode of "Raising Hope" which filled me with a lot of hope. Here's the quote that did it for me.

Virginia: It's the circle of life. You get sick. You heal. You get sick. You heal. You get sick. You die. It's just how it happens.

I was strangely comforted by this.

Besides, I decided to trust in the professional expertise of a master of Eastern Medicine. A Korean Acupuncturist whom I dubbed Heinrich Wilhmer.

Monday, November 8, 2010

There is nothing more important than knowing God. - John Frame

Friday, November 5, 2010

Answered Prayers and Broken Ankles

I've had the same recurring prayer request since school started. I wanted to develop my attitude towards my life and the monotonousness of it all. I always had the exact same schedule and the same friends to chill with and the same work to do at the same time every week. My spirituality was suffering due to the extremely dull monotony in my life.

Then, God answered my prayers and broke the seat on my bicycle as I was going. This caused me to fall on my ankle and break it. Now everything is different. My work feels different as I move around the store with my crutches. My eating time is different because I always have to eat with people and not alone, which was the norm. My class times are different because I get extra sympathy points from fellow class mates and teachers. My social interactions are different because my ankle becomes a common topic of discussion.

The only thing that is not different is my spiritual life. I stopped dreading the monotony of everyday life and now I am focused on my ankle. God has no place in my heart and it sucks. However, there are two things that I just kind of realized which I will end with.
  1. My ankles are not my ankles. They are God's ankles and if He takes it away, so be it.
  2. I miss my skinny jeans.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Quote from Greenberg

Man A: Youth is wasted on the young.
Man B: I'd go further. I'd say life is wasted on...people.

Misconceptions on Intelligencia and Faith

I always had the idea that the reason a lot of smart people weren't Christians was because they were smart and they knew something that I didn't and I was glad to be an ignorant believer because it made me happy.

However, lately, I've realized that there are a lot of REALLY smart Christians. Not like, "oh, you aced that exam? shoot, you're smart." More like, "You figured out how to make a chemically induced explosive device all on your own when you were 12 years old?" smart.

That said, I do think that there is a correlation to being smart and having a smaller chance of being a man of faith. It's not intelligence. It's pride. Smart people have a tendency of relying on their intellect a lot. Now, when they face something that basically tells them, "You will never know all of me even if you extensively study me for all eternity", is a bit daunting and difficult for them to accept. It's really a shame how people can hold on to their pride for so long. :-j|

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lennart Green

A very entertaining half hour.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Parable by John the Piper

Once there was a land ruled by a wicked prince. he had come from a foreign country and enslaved all the people of the land and made them miserable with hard labor in his coal mines across the deep canyon. He had built a massive trestle for the trains that carried his slaves across the canyon to the mines each morning, and it was heavily guarded.

Two men were still free in this kingdom, one old and the other young. They lived on an inaccessible cliff overlooking the trestle. They hated the trestle. At last they resolved together to blow it up and destroy the slave labor of the enemy prince. They planned and they prayed and they reminded themselves of the reality of heaven.

The night came when the deed would be done. their hearts were pounding with joy. It was a hard plan. It would be possible to time the trek of the trestle guard so that the explosive could be carried quickly to the vulnerable spot on the trestle. But there would be no time for the carrier of the explosives to return. It was certain that he would be seen and the plan foiled if he tried to return. To make sure the trestle blew up the two men agreed that the young man would detonate it by hand on the trestle. He would blow up with it.

But they believed in heaven, and they loved the people of the land. And so the honor of this sacrifice made their hearts leap with joy. The hour came. They folded up the map of their strategy, stood from the table and embraced each other. When the young man got to the door, he turned with the explosive strapped to his back, looked at the old man, and said, "I love you, Father." And the old man took a deep breath, with joy, and said, "I love you too, Son."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The BIOLA Bike Venture

Los Chupacabras de Tampoco shown here minus the Paraguayan.

Los Chupacabras de Tampoco (The Biola Crew including Daisy Kim, Alvino, the Paraguayan, and I) went on an amazing bike ride! The only people that didn't go were Daisy, Alvino, and the Paraguayan because they were lazy bums at 6 o' clock in the morning. But it was totally worth it. I don't think my Saturdays will be free for a long time due to Artesia Outreach so I wanted to end it with a bang.

Don't worry lame Biola peoples, I am not bitter at you, it was a long and arduous ride that I'm pretty sure Daisy would have had a lot of trouble with plus it was raining so I think this was for the best.

Also, I made an epic poem (that's the name of this type of poem, I'm not lamely using epic to make everything sound cooler) on my way there towards the beginning of the ride:

A Long and Lonesome Journey

Think not, my mind, of how long the road ahead is
Fail not, my legs, for you fuel your master's ride
Stay steady, my hands, for you guide the rest of us
Fortify yourself, my body, for this will be long and difficult
Look forward, my eyes, to the beautiful sunrise you will see
rising up from the ocean horizon, illuminating everything around you
Stay strong, my bike, for if you break, that is the day that we die.

(upon reaching the riverbed entrance by the freeway)
Welcome to the gates to the End of the World
(Going under a huge freeway dip in the riverbed)
I pass the underworld, though the demons scream and moan
Long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long straight away

I have reached the River's End
I think I'll eat a steak and some eggs,
Ooh, some potatoes and butter-soaked English muffins too!

Now, I must go back the way I came to Biola.

End Epic Poem.


So, ye. I know that right when I came back, I was thankful to the Father that I had the legs to get tired with, the bike to ride, and the ability to waste a Saturday morning enjoying His creation in the form of a polluted beach and a steak for breakfast.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I had a dream that Philip Seymour Hoffman was doing Korean stand-up comedy on television in Korean. It was really weird. He was doing a lot of pun jokes. No one was laughing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Decisions Decisions: Cars

So, there are five cars that are in the running for my next car:

1969 BMW 1600 (used)
Toyota Prius (new)
Toyota Camry (new)
Honda Civic (new)
Smart Car Fortwo (new)

1969 BMW 1600 (used)
Cool Factor: 13.74/10
Authenticy: 12.19/10
Design: 13.28/10
Price: $400
Uniqueness: 9.2/10
Gas Mileage: 2/10
Probability that it'll make it to my home from wherever it is that I am getting it: 4%
Amount of "Uncertainties" with this car: roughly around 52

Toyota Prius:
Gas Mileage: 10/10
Price: Expensive
Actual Price: $22,800 give or take.
Cool Factor: 0/10 (Environmentally friendly)
Ridiculous name

Toyota Camry:
Gas Mileage: 7.8/10
Commonality: 10/10 (every other car is a Camry)
Cool Factor: 6.7/10 (every other car is a Camry)
Price: A Bit Pricy
Actual Price: 19,720 give or take.
Probability of it bringing up bad memories by reminding me of my first Camry which I destroyed: 94%
Design: 5/10
Uniqueness: 0/10

Honda Civic:
Gas Mileage: 8.4/10
Commonality: 9/10 (if it's not a Camry, it's probably a Civic)
Cool Factor: 7.2/10
Price: Cheaper than Camry but a still a bit.
Actual Price: 15,805 give or take.
Level of Uncomfortability buying a car from a company named after Street Fighter Sumo Wrestler: High Level
Design: 4.9/10
Uniqueness: 0/10

Smart Car Fortwo:
Gas Mileage: 9.7/10 (Second Only to Prius)
Cool Factor: 8.7/10
Price: Beautiful
Actual Price: 11,990 give or take
Uniqueness: 10/10
Probability of People Calling me Gay: 100%

I really want a Smart Car Fortwo, BUT that one stupid downside. Argh.

Friday, October 8, 2010

St. Anger - Metallica

This is a taste of my youth for those of you who wish to know me a bit better. I grew up on the album St. Anger by Metallica back when I was an angry child. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I've been feeling really nostalgic tonight. I think I love Karen O.

Maps. Old School Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Not really New School, but not really Old School Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

I love both of these songs.

"They don't love you like I love you."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mention-Worthy Upcoming Films

Omgah. I am so excited to watch this film. First, the script is written by Bill Shakespeare, who's pretty decent. Second, Hellen Mirren, KYAH!!!

Also, there is an upcoming Superman film...wait for it...produced by Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight), directed by Zack Snyder (Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead), and scripted by David Goyer (...I don't know who he is...). So yes, I'm super excited for this one.

The Facebook Authentification Test

So I was trying to sign into facebook today and I have to take a test to get into my account for some reason. Now the test consists of me looking at tagged photos of friends and identifying each tagged friend. And then...I got these photos.

what the gay... I hate you Chung Lee or Jennifer So-Yoon Kim or Grace Cho or Jane Y. Tae or Elizabeth Teo or Leah Nkaujnag Lee. You almost made me fail the test. >:-{( (new moustache man)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

On the Way to Work

Lately, I've been biking to work for several reasons.
  1. So I can get to work.
  2. For a little extra exercise.
I somehow got way fitter in one week. Last week, it took me sixty minutes to get home. Today, it took me forty. I shaved off twenty minutes. cheese.

Anywho, on the way here, I saw some fellow cyclists. Two Mormonese fellows. It was a rather pleasant exchange of words.

Me: Excuse me. :-j) (mustache me)

Mormon 2: no problem. (|:-) (helmeted Mormon)

PostScript. I just realized that I've been spelling "mustache" wrong the whole time. I spelt it "moustache". Peculiar...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Night Study Night Blog Entry

A Conversation (or a short story, whichever you want)

President of SMI (Sexual Minority Institute for Gays, Lesbians, and Transgender People)
Richard The-Emperor Chung

President: So we will set up a new institute for sexual minorities.

Richard: How about Larry and Steve

President: F*** you.

(Larry is a pedophile. Steve is a necrophiliac.)


A Quote

"I think all women should marry pastors. And I think all men should be pastors." - Anonymous


The abortionist movement decided to have a debate with the non-abortionist movement. In order to make themselves look cooler, they called themselves Pro-Choice and the opposition Anti-Abortion. Everybody likes "pro-", no one likes "anti". Very strategic. But how about this?

Pro-Choice vs. Anti-Baby-Killing

President (also a pro-choice advocate): F*** you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Back Glee

"Female football coach, like a male nurse. A sin against nature."

Best line. Ever.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Conversation and a Game

A Dialogue?:

Terrance: I am very observational. :-)

Me: It's observative, you idiot. >:-jO

?: it's observant...


Also, one of my professors played the Truth-Truth-False Game with us where you have to state two truths and one false fact about yourself. His were the following:
  1. Top 2% of his college. (He attended Michigan Tech, majored in Chemical Engineering)
  2. In highschool, contemplated suicide.
  3. Committed a crime that was investigated by the FBI
Half the class, including I, voted for number 1 as the false statement. The other class voted for number 3.

The true false statement was...number 2. I know, nobody got it right.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Technology and Friends

(only time one ought to text)

I've decided. I'm going to try everything I can to never text in the midst of friends ever again.

Today, a speaker came to Biola to talk about technology and junk. One thing he said stuck out to me: "In this day and age, technology is helping us get closer to those far away from us. And it is also helping us push those close to us far away." (paraphrase)

I was like, "whoa. That's so true. :-jo" (this is moustache me)

I've thought back at the times when I chilled with friends where it literally felt like I was close to them when they weren't with me. Whenever we chilled, they'd be texting someone else. And whenever I was at work or something, I would text with them, probably while they were with some other friends. I don't have these kinds of friends anymore because I didn't think these were healthy friendships.

Anywho, I think even if you're physically there, if you're mentally absent via texting someone else or something it is a) extremely rude and b) an awkward moment generator. I don't like either one of those so I'm gonna try to stop.

So, if you text me and I don't respond it's because I'm with friends.

And in case you think I'm being rude by not responding to your text and making you wait 4 hours for a response, HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT THE TIMES OF MY FRIENDS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN YOURS! I'LL CUT YOU!!! RAWRRRRR!!!! >:-jO (angry moustache)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guns and Talks

So today I've been talking about guns with Shingosan, who is going to be a popo (police officer), and one thing struck out to me as he was explaining to me all the crazy guns that were out there.

That thought was this: there really is no point in the existence of guns, except to inflict violence on people and continue wars. Ok. maybe not continue wars since you can easily kill a man with a sword or Shaolin Spade, but it certainly makes killing a lot easier.

To me, guns are a symbolic representation on the fallen nature of this world. It sucks. Peace and Love yo. Peace, Love, and Christ.

I think I've matured enough now to let things like this disturb me a little bit.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God is in Hell

For those of you whose eyes have been caught in my trap and are currently reading my blog because of the title of this post, hohoho, welcome. Now before you brand me as a heretic and destroy me, let me explain my statement above in two points. Here we go:
  1. I think it is rational for God to be in Hell. I know people say, "Hell is the absence of God." But I think that's jibberish. Rather, in the words of my professor, "Hell is the absence of a relationship with God." BUT I'm going to take it further and say, "Hell is the absence of a loving relationship with God." Which takes me to my next point.
  2. Who else, can punish sinners doomed to ETERNAL punishment but an eternal God? Satan?Not at all. Satan cannot hold a candle to God in terms of dealing out punishment. What can Satan do, in light of God's ability to punish? Plus, Satan will be punished soon too. What we will see in Hell is God in His wrath, His justice, His holiness. We will never see God's wrath in Heaven. In heaven, we'll have nice things like God's love, God's grace.
  3. Also, how can Satan, who is the Evil one, execute an action that is just? Punishing sinners is the right thing to do. How can we expect Satan to do the right thing?
Anywho, there are more, but these are the reasons I wanted to lay out for my defense that, "Hell yeah, God is in Hell." It would be problematic if he wasn't.

I am not even sure where we got the notion that Satan was the ruler of Hell. (this last statement, I'm a bit less confident on, so if you can provide philosophical, historical, or scriptural support on why I'm wrong, I'll be happy to change my stance on this. Though I think I may be right.)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mumford and Sons

this band has enraptured my heart lately. I am in love with them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Newest Fashion Object, First Day of Class Quotes, and Personal Favorite Phrases

hyuk hyuk

So I've found a new fascination with jorts. Which are jean shorts. But only on women. Man Jorts are gross and disgusting. I like nicely little cuffed, or cut-off, jorts. Prolly cuz women legs are so much nicer and smoother than hairy man legs.

Also, this is proof that the Old Testament is awesomer than people think. A quote from an academia.

Professor Volkmer: Did you know that the ancient church grew exponentially without the book of Romans?!

Anywho, this is my new favorite quote concerning all things God's epicness.

"You cannot hope to imagine..."

Just take a look at how deep this phrase goes. An analysis of the quote above.

"You cannot" - means that you are utterly incapable of

"hope" - means that you are unable to even want to

"to imagine" - means that you are unable to even want to guess

a paraphrase - "You are utterly incapable of even wanting to guess..."

This is called the Incomprehensibility of God. A quote by Nic concerning God's incomprehensibility.

Nicolas of Cusa: The intellect knoweth that it is ignorant of Thee because it knoweth Thou canst not be known, unless the unknowable could be known, and the invisible beheld, and the inaccessible attained.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


"Fundevogel, never leave me, and I will never leave you."

"Neither now, nor ever."

Thanks to Michelle Park for letting borrow this book finally.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Favorite Discussion Topics As Of Late

guess what these two are talking about

zombies (always), dreams, alien theology, old testament theology, films, the fourth dimension

current favorite discussioners: Terrance on zombie related incidents and scenarios, Alvin on just about anything. These men have imagination.
Simon on films and some zombie stuff. Anyone on theology except people who don't care.


Imagination is vital in order to stay young. Without imagination, you are just an adult. Which sucks.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Injuries at Work

Art by a high flying danger to society.

Today, I elbowed dropped my female co-worker from a ladder.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Question For the Masses (Concerning Beauty)

Art by Blogger

Which is more beautiful of the two?

To be so beautiful that shallow people cannot comprehend the beauty?


To be so beautiful that EVEN shallow people can understand the beauty?


I think I may have to go with the first. But my stupid mind SO wants to say option B.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Drought Week

So recently I have been typing down my morning prayers in poem format. I spend a bit of time writing the poem/prayers and I make sure to rhyme it and junk, and then I would "recite" it after I finish in a proper knelt down position in my feeble attempt to show the most respect I can to God. Of course the prayer time is accompanied by scripture reading time.

Now recently, I fell into a spiritual dry spell for a while. For a while, I felt too guilty or too lazy or whatever to type down my prayers and pray or even read scripture. So I stopped for a while. Every day I woke up, did "fun" things, like watch shows or play games and I something definitely felt off.

After constantly failing to pray and read scripture, I just felt like my life was not right. Something was wrong. So finally, this morning, I smarted up, and sat through a prayer session. And the surprising thing was, that I did it in pure joy. I didn't feel forced to pray or anything, I just went through it.

After I finished my prayer session, I wanted to know how many months I had gone without prayer. So I checked, and the last "entry" was August 8, 2010. Yes. It has "only" been a week. I say "only" because even a week without prayer is a lot, BUT from my expectations, it's a lot less than I thought it was.

Now, I'm trying to get my brain to stop thinking, "It's only been a week, whew, I'm pretty sure God wouldn't have noticed my absence for merely a week." And I'm trying make it think, "OH miserable wretch am I, death and misery is too good for a sinner such as I. Wilt Thou forgivest me father for sinning against Thee and neglecting Thee for an ENTIRE week?!"

I truly am relieved that it was only a week, but I shouldn't be.

But God is good who accepts me after I fall.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Soccer on the Yard, Finances, and My Current Weight

Art by me

So today, I came back from work and I decided to work out a bit. So I got my soccer ball and just started juggling it a bit. Then I got a glimpse of the house across from me and the guy there was also juggling his ball. Then, my neighbor's son came out and started juggling as well. So all three of us were juggling soccer balls. We didn't talk to each other but I felt a connection. It was nice.

I also got my paycheck today and I found out that I saw my finances as a game. I really like it. Whenever I get money, I think of it as a game that I'm playing and my goal is to get as much done with my money as possible.

My weight has reached a whole new high. I am officially around 190 pounds. I am a fat pig. :-(

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ninja vs. Ku Klux Klan

Art by yours truly

Oh, the things I watch. Today I watched a film entitled Ninja Vengeance. It is about a white ninja who fights the Ku Klux Klan. It was terrible. It far surpassed the "so-bad-its-good" genre. It was just terrible. Why do I do these things?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Empiricists Tour in Europe

I am planning on changing the name of my band from A Bird In The Empire to The Empiricists. I hope Rebekah would accept the change. Anywho, I was thinking lately, and I felt particularly hipster on one fine sunny afternoon, and I thought, "hey, I can totally perform my music in Europe!"

I was walking around the streets outside UCLA, and I saw a man playing the guitar so I stood by and asked him to play me an original song. Then the thought came to me, "I could totally play my songs in Europe." Then I would be really hipster. And my journey to Europe would be a musical journey. :-D I hope Rebekah says yes! But if she says no, then...I don't know what I'll do. Don't tell her, but I think I'd be a bit depressed. :-( I don't want to pressure her into going. harharhar.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Some ABITE News

ABITE stands for A Bird In The Empire. I am considering a name change to sound cooler. But I have to think about it. Anywho, here's the news.

Someone subbed one of my videos. hahahaha. I know, insane. Now the French know what my song is about.

They are both the same. It's just that the second one has French subtitles. I'm glad I have fan(s) in France.



Darth Schwarzeneggar

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Richard's Thoughts on Dreams

In light of Inception and Paprika, I've been thinking a bit about dreams lately.

So I was lying awake last night taking a look at my life and I really wanted an escape. I wanted to escape back into the dream world. Where I could have as many adventures with as many people as I want. I just wanted to go there once again.

Anywho, like I said before, we all have dreams every time that we sleep, it's just that we don't remember them. And I can't help but wonder if it's a defensive mechanism in our brain that causes us to forget our dreams. What unimaginable horrors await us there? What immeasurable pleasures do we experience when we dream?

I calculated it. And I have had roughly 7,665 dreams AT LEAST. I'm pretty sure I dream more than once a night so roughly 15,330 dreams have eluded my memory.

I think one very interesting premise for a show or a film would be a day in the life of a man who was stuck in Dream Island (see CS Lewis' Voyage of the Dawn Treader of the Chronicles of Narnia series). The premise is that Dream Island is a place where all your dreams come true. And CS Lewis does an interesting thing with this.

Basically, every sailor that hears of Dream Island, start panicking and trying to get away from Dream Island. Curious, Edmund or some other ask, "What's up? Who wouldn't want to go to Dream Island where all your dreams come true?" The sailors answer, "Yes. Exactly. ALL your dreams. Your dreams do not only consist of happy dreams. This island can make your most horrifying nightmares come to life as well as your dintzy happy dreams." After hearing this, Edmund gets scared as well.

Anywho, I think it is an awesome premise for a film and I'm considering making a film about dreams. :-jD (the artistic moustache smile!)

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Dream

This is the first dream I've remembered in a very long time and it has a lot of feelings behind it.
This is what I wrote, right after I woke up. I was told that if I want to remember a dream, I have to write it down immediately after I wake up.
So this is what I wrote:

I had a dream that I finally got a girlfriend. I forgot who.

She confessed to me, that she liked me.

But I said, no.

Then she cried and went away, so I went up to her and told her to let me think about it.

Then I told her I’ll call her in two days.

But my feelings for her started developing and I grew to like her more and more.

So I went to her and it seemed like she already knew.

Then it turned into a retreat setting.

But after a couple hours, she told me she liked someone else.

And she got together with him.

Then there was a machinegun shoot out.

And both she and her boy got shot by friendly fire, or so I thought.

And I was sad but kind of happy.

I told SimonI finally got a girlfriend for like ten seconds.

I told him and he judged me that I would use retreat as a place find a girlfriend.

Then I saw her a bit later and I got super depressed.

There is a certain significance to this dream which I would gladly tell you in person. So ask.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The New Set of Films To Look Forward To

Well...not only films.

In light of Comic Con recently, I decided to post about upcoming films and junk.

So these are a few films and shows that I'm really looking forward to.
  1. Tron Legacy, Thanks to both Joe Chong and the new Tron trailer. I love futuristic night club action.
  2. Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder has done right by me and I trust him by now. Plus, I love attractive young women and guns. I know. I'm disgusting. I AM MAN!!!
  3. The Walking Dead, This one is actually a show... ABOUT ZOMBIES!!! 'nuff said. *edit* No. Not 'nuff said, I just watched the trailer and I have to admit, the trailer is pretty terrible. Let's just hope the show does so much better.
  4. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, ye, I put up a trailer for this film up a while ago. and yes, I'm into this kind of stuff.
  5. Priest, Some of you may be surprised that I would look forward to this particular Vampire vs. Holymen film, but I ask of you, "is it really that shocking?" I mean, I did mention that I am a sucker for religiously themed junk. Or did I? I don't know. Anywho, if you weren't surprised or shocked, then you should get to know me a bit better. Shame on you.
  6. Red, I love John Malkovich, I love Bruce Willis, I love Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman (But they don't deserve their own spot, they have to share), and I love assassins. I hate Mary-Louise Parker but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Things I Am Not Looking Forward To, Though Perhaps I Should Be:

YES, This is an extra treat for those of you have read this far. An extra list. These are things that I think I should look forward to, but for some strange reason, I am not.

1. Let Me In
Why I Should Like It: I loved the original Swedish film, Let the Right One in, and it has my beloved Chloe Moretz in it. Not to mention it was directed by the same guy who directed Cloverfield, which I kind of liked.

Why I Don't: I despise "translated" remakes of great films. "Translated" remakes are films that are remade like right after the original was made. If someone remakes it in like 50 years, I'm pretty sure I'll have no qualms about it.

2. Iron Sky
Why I Should Like It: Nazis. Everywhere. Even on the moon. Yes, you read it correctly, the film is about Nazis who went to the moon for a strategic retreat during the closing of World War the Second. Now, they are back, and I don't really care what happens much after that.

Why I Don't: Because I DO care what happens much after that. I know that they'll eventually just die due to heroics of Nazi-haters everywhere. As films have taught us over and over again, the only point of putting Nazis in a film, is to kill them all violently. :-(

3. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Ok, before I go into things, I know I need to explain, why this film is on any list even remotely close to me, especially since I've expressed my utter disgust at the ending of the first film, and the entirety of the other films, in the same franchise. However, I've included it for two reasons. I hope you are understanding.

Why I Kind-of Should...umm...Like It?: The trailer, unlike the horrid The Walking Dead trailer, was pretty fascinating. I liked Jack Sparrow, much like everyone else in the world, in the first film. Then, he said, "zombies", that word alone, almost got me completely hooked, and I almost put it in the list of films that I am looking forward to. Then, I quickly came to and shoved it on this list for several reasons.

Why I Definitely Don't (Just to defend my manhood): I am extremely tired of Jack Sparrow and how he is. His behavior now seems a bit forced, it feels like Johnny Depp is tired of doing Jack Sparrow and I just don't like his personality in general. I know, this maybe working against my manhood, but whatever, I give up. I also remembered that ultimately, this was a Disney movie. And whatever attempt at zombies, that Disney is going to make, I'm pretty sure it'll end up in utter failure. Don't get me wrong, I think the zombies might look awesome, I will give the Disney design team that much credit. However, the personalities of the zombies, (yes, I just used personality again, and yes, I just ascribed personalities to zombies) will be utter rubbish. I wouldn't even be surprised if they'll be weird vegetarian zombies or something.

4. Drive Angry
Why I Should Like It: In order to understand this, you first need to grasp that I love Nicolas Cage. Don't ask me to explain I just do.

Why I Don't: As painful as it is, it just seems kind of boring.

5. The Expendables
Why I Should Like It: I am a man. And it is in the running against Eat, Pray, Love, which surprisingly I don't like, despite the word "pray" shoved in there. It also has every action star known to man in it plus some more to boot. It has china kung fu man, Jet Li. It even has a freakin wrestler in it, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Why I Don't: They just chose the wrong man to play the villain. When I see a villain, I want to tremble in my chucks and just jump up and down clinging onto a metal bar like a monkey. I want my skin to tingle EVERY time he opens his mouth. Gary Oldman (Ivan Korshunov of Air Force One, Norman Stansfield of Leon The Professional), Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber of Die Hard), John Travolta (Castor Troy of Face Off), Nicolas Cage (Castor Troy of Face Off), Javier Bardem (Anton Chigurh or Crazy Guy of No Country For Old Men), Hugo Weaving (Mr. Smith of The Matrix), even Arnold Freakin Schwarzeneggar (The Terminator of The Terminator).
You need a man of at least this caliber to fight off against every action hero known to man. Not David Zayas (Angel Batista or incredibly adorable Cuban popo fellow of Dexter). Ugh, the casting choice they made makes me angry. I need a villain who kind of makes you question who's gonna win. Not ANGEL Bastista. HIS NAME IS ANGEL!!! THE NICEST THING I COULD POSSIBLY THINK OF! argh!!!

Well that was two sets of things that were on my mind. It went a bit longer than I thought it would but whatever.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Morning Devotionals with Scottish Song

So imagine this.

I'm sitting on my "bed" in my garage. I am singing, not reading, singing Job chapter 1 for the first time ever in a Scottish accent and a catchy tune bobbing up and down in my short shorts.

Then I come across this verse:

(paraphrased) And after Job's sons and daughters partied, Job would consecrate them. Job rose early in the morning and offered burnt offering for them all. For Job said, "It may be that my children sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Thus Job did continually.

This immediately shut me up and I just laid down to contemplate what it is that I just read.

A little background: I do not want children of my own flesh and blood. I would adopt a thousand kids, but I really do not want to have a child come from me and my DNA. The reasoning behind this is pretty unbiblical so don't judge me, but it is because I have a very negative view on humanity and children. I personally feel like, I am a pretty decent person. I'm a pretty decent Christian and pretty kind human being in general. And EVEN though I am this kind Christian, I know EVERYTHING that I have EVER done and thought and I know, that I am a disgusting, evil, unholy creature.

Now, if I am this awful subhuman creature, I know that within my own DNA, I have the ability to clone an exact replica of myself or possibly even worst, and my son would be that result. So I have no hope for my son, because I know what he'll do, and what he'll be capable of doing.

Ok, so this is where this passage fits in. IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!!! NO ONE SINS AGAINST ME WHEN THEY DO EVIL! THEY SIN AGAINST GOD!!!!! Job realized this. The first paragraph taught me how holy Job really was. I mean, I heard stories of how holy he was, but this is the first time I kind of caught a glimpse of Job's goodness.

And now, focusing on a God who created this "holy" man, if we sin not against the "holy" man, but against the HOLY GOD, then every time we sin, we are curb stomping Jesus Christ on a curb covered in feces and dog guts. Is the imagery too harsh? Because it's not. I use this imagery in order to lighten it. This imagery is a euphemism for what we really do to Christ when we sin. Because Jesus has gone through so much more for us to be "Christians".

Back to me and my fear of having children. Job's actions in the passage really showed me that my fear of my children sinning against me and making me sad and making me depressed was really a worthless concern. My concern should be that my children will sin against God and make Him sad and make Him depressed. I was worried about a parasitic bacterial speck when instead, I should have been worrying about an infinite and eternal God of all creation and the furthest reaches of the universe. Even in symbolic comparisons, I cannot really compare God to anything less than He is. It just doesn't seem right.

I love you all.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today I Applied To Blogotheque

By the suggestion of one, Brian Han, I applied to a website. Blogotheque. :-D

I hope they hire me on the shear idiocy of my application process.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Interesting Fact From Chinese News

My friend, Rui Guo, slept over today and in the morning he has a tendency to watch the Chinese news in the morning.

In today's news, they showed the one phrase you can say to your boyfriend or husband that'll wake them up immediately:

"I read your text messages."

hahaha. It showed the boyfriends immediately wake up and reach for their phones. One guy even said, "Did you see the pictures?!"


Oh, crazy Chinese news people and cheating boyfriends.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Observation Regarding Humpty Dumpty

I've noticed that it never states that Humpty Dumpty is an egg.

I wonder where we got THAT preposterous idea.

The Devil

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Verbal Kint

Freakin Keyser Soze.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Samuel Chung Quote of the Day

Samuel: There is Bakugan movie! (google it)

Me: Really?!

Samuel: Yeah! But it's boring.

Me: Oh.

Samuel: But I like boring stuff!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

World Cup 2010: After Korea's Lost

I really do not care much who wins at this point, but there are four teams that I REALLY wanted to see lose.
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Spain
I just wanted to see Brazil get off their high horse, which Netherlands executed beautifully.

I wanted to see Maradona The Hand of God cry because he was a pretty bad coach carried by a team of beautiful players.

Uruguay is just revenge for South Korea and Ghana, though both South Korea AND Ghana deserved their defeats. But revenge does not necessarily have to make sense. REVENGE!!!

And I just want to see Spain lose because I feel like their too arrogant. Actually it might be because Brian Han likes them so much. I just want to see Brian angry. By tomorrow, you will see either Richard The-Emperor Chung or Brian Han very angry. Avoid one and flock to the other depending on the outcome of that game.

Godspeed Germany! Complete my list!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Brother Samuel

Lately, I've been getting profound thoughts whenever I play with my brother. I was thinking back to when he was a fragile baby who I almost killed in the shower (ask me in person), to when he was a slightly bigger boy who could barely talk, to now, when he can communicate pretty well. He wants to be an artist and he is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. I would sacrifice my life for this child. Easily.

However, the more I see him and how cute he is, and how much he's changed so far, now he only has like 3 or 4 or so more years to go before he turns big, then a couple more until his voice gets deep, then a couple more after that until he becomes utterly uncute. I tell Samuel whenever we're together, "I will miss you Samuel." Then in his curiosity, he asks, "What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?" to which I reply, "No, I'll be here forever but you will change. You will not be you anymore." At this point, he both loses interest and stops caring about what I say anymore and goes back to his toys.

I'm wondering why I felt these things and why I said to Sam what I said. I think it was my subconscious admittance of the evanescent nature of life. Life changes. Everything changes. All good things change. For better or for worse. Now, I am aware of how depressing this post sounds. But, that's the point. For me, and a bunch of other folk who are like me, there is a far greater hope than all the good things the world can offer. Things don't change there. Good things don't end. It's pretty spiffy. :-D HOPE ON!

ZEF side!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fringe and Christianity

This MIGHT be a spoiler but it doesn't really ruin anything but if you are super stingy, then do not read.

A thought came up while watching an episode of Fringe. A priest talks with the main character who is a fringe scientist (fringe science is a branch of science that focuses on the supernatural sciences and stuff like reanimation, telekinesis, and other bizarre things). This is the bit of their dialog that I found interesting.

Walter Bishop (the scientist): [paraphrased] The man's energy when he died jumpstarted the girl's life force so that she was able to come back from the dead.

Actual Bishop (though he's actually only a priest, but I liked the play on words. Bishop vs. bishop): That's absurd!

Now, the reason I found this fascinating was because the Actual Bishop has no right calling anything absurd. If he is willing to believe in a man that died 2000 years ago and the same man claims that he rose from the dead to single-handedly pay the debt of all mankind for their sin so that the rest of humanity may have a chance of being in the favor of God, then how can the Bishop call anything absurd?

I just thought it was strange that the man of faith was the skeptic in this show. Very new approach. I liked it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Series of Firsts at It's a Grind: Coffee House

So I've had my share of firsts this week. Here's a list:
  • First job I had in a very long time.
  • First paid bathroom cleaning.
  • First paid dishwashing.
  • First coffee making experience: Road Warrior. The lady said it was really good and I was proud.
  • First book to buy and read in a very long time: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I also bought The Zombie Survival Guide. Yes, I went on a zombie binge.
  • First Work Schedule for a very long time. I'm only going in for two hours at a time though. :( Shucks.
  • First time eating at Ginger and Wasabi: Sushi food. I had five california rolls and teriyaki chicken for $4.99.
  • First BIG GULP (FREAKIN HUGE!!): Orange Bang, Sprite, Sunkist, Orange Bang, Pineapple Bang, Orange Bang, Sunkist, Orange Bang (order in which I filled the cup. It was a huge freaking cup.)
Yes. I can't really think of any more, but if I do, then I'll let you know.

A Run Outside in the Neighborhood

So I was craving cereal like a mad person one day while I was at home but I only had milk in the house. So I put on my sneakers, shorts, and shirt and I went out to run to Ralph's so I could buy some cereal. It was the first time I ran in months and needless to say, I was exhausted. Then as my mind was filled with complanatory thoughts that my legs were fat and my legs were weak and my stamina was low, I saw a man with an electric wheel chair going about the same direction as I was but in an extremely slow manner. After I saw him, all thoughts of pain and junk stopped immediately. I gained new stamina and I appreciated every single ounce of pain that shot through my leg and lungs.

Funny how it takes an entire crippled man to help me realize that things should not be taken for granted. I ran another two blocks until both my legs and lungs gave out. Then I walked the rest of the way to Ralph's.

God, thank you for sending me the Wheelchair Man to remind me of your goodness in everything. Things that we never think of even though those things are a huge part of our lives. Thank you. I pray for healing in the Wheelchair Man's life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

I've read this poem recently and it is hauntingly beautiful and moving. I want to relay it to you all so I will retell the story. More or less.

In the town of Hamelin, the Mayor and the Corporation ruled all. They were in charge of taking care of all the problems that plagued the town and, in this case, the problem was a rat infestation. However, they could not get rid of the rats in the town.

One day, a strange man with a strange outfit and a piper around his neck showed up to the town meeting where the Mayor and the Corporation met. The strange man introduced himself as the Pied Piper and offered a solution to the rat problem.

"How do you suppose you'll get rid of our rats?" asked the Mayor.

"I have a secret charm that can draw all living things to me, whether they creep or swim or fly or run. I use this charm to vanquish creatures who harm humans. All I would want in return would be a thousand guilders."

"A thousand?! We'll give you fifty!" replied the Corporation.

So the Pied Piper went out to the streets, smiled a smile, placed the pipe to his lips, and played a magical melody. Soon the rats started flocking to him. Fat rats, skinny rats, lazy rats, active rats, sister rats, brother rats, smart rats, and dumb rats. The rats danced, pranced, and advanced after the Piper. The rats followed him through the streets, all the way to the river. At the river, the rats drowned. All but one. The surviving rat was strong enough to swim across the river and escaped to Ratland where he told the story of the beautiful melody that had caused so many of his friends to die.

The surviving rat told his tale:
"I heard a noise which promised me food, it promised me food for the rest of my life. Then I heard a voice telling me, 'Rejoice, oh rats, the world is your dining room! So eat to your hearts content!' As I was looking forward to the food, suddenly, the river consumed me and all of my friends."

The people of Hamelin were exceedingly satisfied. And the Mayor and the Corporation were planning on rebuilding the city after the destruction the rats left behind. However, right before they could start, the Pied Piper appeared and reminded them of what they owed.

"Please do not forget my thousand guilders," reminded the Piper.

"A thousand?! Surely you knew that it was only a figure of speech. We thought you were joking when you said a thousand. Here's some money and since we're so grateful, we spare you 50 guilders, now take it and leave," replied the Mayor and the Corporation.

The Piper was distraught and extremely distressed. He threatened the Mayor and the Corporation, "You have promised me a thousand guilders, and I need my thousand guilders. If you do not provide me with my thousand guilders, then I will use my secret charms, as much as I do not wish to, to cause harm to you, Mr. Mayor, and the Corporation."

"What are you going to do to us? There are no more rats in the country for you to bring back to our town. We have nothing more to fear of you, my dear vagabond friend. Now take your money and leave."

The Pied Piper rushed out in anger. He went out to the streets, smiled a smile, lifted the pipe to his lips, and began to play another magical melody. Soon, all the children of the people of Hamelin started gathering around the Piper. The children of bakers, the children of blacksmiths, the children of librarians, the children of store clerks, the children of the Mayor, and the children of the Corporation. The children danced, pranced, and advanced behind the piper in joy and delight. The children followed him through the streets, all the way to the river. And at the river, the Piper turned towards the mountains and skipped to the base of the mountains where cave opened up. The Piper stopped as the children went in and when the last of them went in, the cave closed and all the children disappeared along with the Piper into the mountain.

Did I say all, there was actually one child left, the parents of the children found him limping towards the mountain where the hole was supposed to be. The boy was crying and very sorrowful when they found him.

"What happened, young child?" the adults asked him.

The crippled child replied, "I was too slow. I just couldn't make it in time because I was too slow. The Piper promised us that we were going to a place of endless bliss and pleasure with his song. He promised us that we would never suffer again or feel anxious or bad. This is why we all followed him. He had also promised me one more thing. He promised that the place we were going to, was going to heal me of my lame leg. I was sure that I would be healed, but the music stopped, and I was all alone in front of the mountain without a cave."

The Mayor sent people out everywhere but no one could find neither Piper nor children anywhere.

Enjoy! I may or may not post another post analyzing this story. :D

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A New Face

While talking to Yoojin, I came up with a new face.


it's like a smirking smile. haha. I like it.

This Superpower Of Mine

I think I finally decided on a super hero super power. It is the ability to make everything around me malfunction at will. Of course I'd be able to un-malfunction things as well.

I'd be pretty much invincible and I would be able to cure cancer, more or less. Well, at least from my limited knowledge of how cancer works. I'd be able to malfunction the cancer cells so that they stop growing. If some fools try to cap me, I can malfunction the guns and if I feel particularly malicious, I can malfunction their respiratory systems.

I can malfunction fire arms and tanks so that stupid military leaders cannot do stupid things with their obscenely stupid amount of power.

So yeah. That's the super power I would want.

I was thinking of names like Malfunktor or Malefunction or Malfunctionator.

But I settled with this one: The Man Who Ate Richard Chung


Monday, June 14, 2010

Jackie Chan Hates Karate Kids

Haha. I just recently obtained a bunch of Jackie Chan films and I am excited to watch them.

Saturday, June 12, 2010