Friday, October 30, 2009

What A Strange Day

So today I was studying and playing when I got a phone call from Eric. He asked me if I wanted to play with him, Simon, DK, and Yuggles. I said, "Yes" and they came over to BIOLA. After showing off my room with its massive 40 inch screen, we went to play Ping Pong. Afterwards, we played some cards, some MasterMind, and we decided to go eat at Carl's Jr. where something both amazing and shocking happened.

We were watching the basketball game and then we got to talking about the tomb of Jesus Christ and the resurrection. We talked about how if the resurrection never occurred, then there would be no reason whatsoever to believing in Christianity. In a sense, Christianity is built on the resurrection of Jesus. So if we found the bones of Jesus, then we would have no basis for believing in Jesus Christ as our God and savior.

Now here's the interesting part. As we were talking, this family near us heard me saying, "There is no point in believing in Jesus." or something of the sort.

Then in a divinely inspired moment, the mother of the family turned to me and just witnessed to me. She told me a mini-testimony of herself, and of all that she's seen God do. She told me to see God as in a relationship and not a religion. It was beautiful.

I don't know how it must have looked because at first, I was super shocked. Then this huge grin came upon my face. But I was afraid that it would look like I'm ridiculing her so I tried to stop smiling, but I just couldn't. I was truly glad to know that there are ACTUAL people out there that would follow the slight whims of God in witnessing to people.

So today was the day that I was witnessed to by a random mother at Carl's Jr. It was beautiful.

God is truly good. All the time.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Day I Caught The Wind

The day that I marry, I want to feel like I just captured the wind.

That said, the day that I marry will be a sad day indeed.

I think that is why I like the girls who just don't seem to care about the clear and present world. They are always in their own world and it seems like they are trying to figure it out. Case in point, Luna Lovegood.

If I get someone like that, and pry her focus from her world to ours, and make her see me as a being worthy of her hand in marriage, then I would pretty much be marrying somebody that I don't like anymore. Either that, or I would be living a miserable existance where I am the second love in my wife's world. She would be so focused on her own world that I would barely be there.

Either that, or I won't marry a girl like this, and I'll feel sad that I didn't. :(

All that to say, I think marriage can be one of the most unromantic things that can happen to a person. But I'm pretty immature. Perhaps when I grow up, I will see marriage as the final step to the love between two people and think that it is romantic. That is the day when I will probably not want to catch the wind. I'll probably just want a normal girl who does not stand out in anyway whatsoever.

Man, it is hard to be romantic in my mind and Christian at heart because God already did the most romantic thing in the world for us. Anything else I can possibly dream of does not come close to what he did.

If you don't understand this post, it means that you just don't love me!

PostScript. I studied a total of 2 hours for two massive midterm exams. I studied 4 hours for a dinky little quiz worth less than 1% of my Hebrew grade. I am so satisfied with my Hebrew quiz.

PostPostScript. Michelle! I wanna hear your song!

PostPostPostScript. Our volleyball team, The Iron Monkeys, got shafted. One member was literally literally, not figuratively literally, 2 minutes late and we got disqualified.

PostPostPostPostScript. God is good. All the Time.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Enigmatic Hotel Room Dilemma

There were three businessmen who were renting out a hotel room. They entered the hotel and the desk clerk charged them $30 for a room. So they each paid $10 each and went up to their room.

Soon, the desk clerk realized that he made an error and the room was only $25. So he gave a bell boy five 1 dollar bills to take up to the businessmen.

On the way to the businessmen's room, the bellboy thought, "why should I give them the whole $5? It'll just cause dissension and awkwardness amongst them." So he pocketed $2 and gave the businessmen $3 to split amongst themselves evenly.

Now, the businessmen each got a dollar back and paid $10:

$10 - $1 = $9

And there were three businessmen:

$9 x 3 = $27

And if you add that to the $2 that the bellboy kept:

$27 + $2 = $29

So what happened to the extra dollar?!

Monday, October 19, 2009


What a beautiful man.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This is Regina Spektor. She has always been one of my
favorites. Props to Rebekah Baird for introducing her
to me.

I really like the blur effects that she used.
I don't know, maybe I'll use it for one of my music videos.
hohoho. Anywho, I was just watching music videos
instead of studying for midterms and I thought, why not.

So enjoy this.

I pray for all who have midterms and are stressing out.

God is good. All the time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Laws in Deuteronomy

Here are some interesting laws in Deuteronomy. I was gonna add commentary but nobody can add to scripture so I'll just leave it as is.

Deuteronomy 22:5 - "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God."

Deuteronomy 23:1 - "No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD."

Deuteronomy 23:17 - "None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, and none of the sons of Israel shall be a cult prostitute."

Deuteronomy 24:7 - "If a man is found stealing one of his brothers of the people of Israel, and if he treats him as a slave or sells him, then that thief shall die. So you shall purge the evil from your midst."

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 - "When men fight with one another and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall have no pity."

Deuteronomy 26:18 - "'Cursed be anyone who misleads a blind man on the road.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"

Deuteronomy 28:57 - "her afterbirth that comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears, because lacking everything she will eat them secretly, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns."

I'm glad that our God is a God of detail.

I also wish that this post incites some excitement for the more unpopular books of the Bible. Read the Pentateuch guys! The pentateuch is the first five books of the bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Inspiration Finally

Today, I watching music videos on youtube and I was struck with an unbelievable amount of inspiration.

I sat down and wrote a song in forty minutes. I missed class. :(

But it was worth it to me. It's a nice song.

You should hear it.

I wanna play it for D.Money. :D (Michelle, since you are so cool, I'll mention your name here, too)

It's entitled: The Hero That Saves Life And Hope

I'm super happy. God is Good. All the time.

Punk Life

I came across Gagaga SP while I was just browsing and I remembered why I fell in love with Punk Music so much. It wasn't because it was anti-authority, it wasn't because of how cool punk was, it wasn't because it was all about being free. These are all reasons that allowed me to adore punk MORE but what got me into punk was how fun the punk rockers had while they were rocking out. It seemed like they were having fun. I see pop stars and their dances and rappers and their loquacious lines but I always thought that punkers had it easy.

The songs didn't even need to sound good, it was all about energy. That's why, if I became a musician, I wanted to be a punk rock guitarist. I'm not the greatest at the guitar but that was the point. It didn't matter. It is actually pretty beautiful.

This is Gagaga SP of Japan which reminded me of why I fell in love with Punk.

The music video shows the members of the band and their TERRIBLE acting skills but it doesn't matter which is what makes punk cool. But they look like they had a lot of fun making the music video.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Infamous Shallowness of Our Society Reflected In Our Greetings

I have heard many international students and non-international students alike saying that American greetings are rhetorical questions that MUST not be answered. I always semi-agreed to this. I hoped that they were just stereotyping Americans.

Today, I found out I was wrong. This is EXACTLY how a greeting went between me and a guy I kind of (but not really) know.

Guy I Know: Richard!
Me: Hey!
Guy I Know: What's up?!
Me: Good!
Guy I Know: How you doin'!?

Then we separated. Man, we are terrible.

I Am A Pretty Laid Back Guy

I view myself as one who does not worry too much about my future. I almost prided myself over this ability. However, occassional, random tsunamis of just complete despair and anxiety attack me. I just start worrying about money and school and my future career. This forces me to realize that perhaps I'm not as cool as I thought. I thought I was cool because there are no worries in the world for me because in the end, we all end up in heaven. What is ten dollars here, going to do for me in Heaven? But the older I get, the more of these utter feelings of stress and hopelessness I start to feel.

At this point, I don't feel it for too long at any one time but each wave is pretty difficult to bear. I just lie (lay) in bed or stand in the field or cruise on my bike and just think about all the things I cannot do because of my financial status. I definitely need prayer.

God is good. All the time.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wedded Forever

I saw this after watching the latest episode of Office and I just thought it was cool. It's just the amount of effort and love that went into it that was moving.

This post is for Leah since she likes weddings so much. :D

Bicycle Ride

Today I woke up at 5:00 AM to bike to Seal Beach. I went out at 5:30, went to Seal Beach, and got back to church by 11:00 AM.

I saw majestic scenes like the sea covered with hundreds of boats, and the beautiful morning sky at the beach city of Huntington Beach.

But the coolest thing I saw was a goose with an afro.

PostScript. Glee is start to do the sucks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jurassic Park

I've been watching the Jurassic Park trilogy and I just witnessed the death of the most hard-working, lovable, admirable, bald character in the entire trilogy. Sadly, it was the most violent and terrible way to die. His name is Eddie Carr. He was the only character that did not whine, scream, complain, or be too annoying. He worked extremely hard to save the lives of three other characters but in the end, he literally gets torn into two pieces by papa and mama Tyrannosaurus-Rex. It was so sad.

This post is for you. Eddie Karr.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So True

Edit: OHNO! I think I'm only one of these! I'm just good-looking! But I'm pretty dumb and I'm an emotional wildfire! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Greatest Trick Ever Pulled By Man

I'm going start this off with a STRONG WARNING. This is a disturbing post so don't read it if you don't want your day ruined. :D

Special Note to Michelle Park: You might not want to read this. Use your own discretion. :D

So, anywho, this post is about the man on the right (in blue jacket and white pants). He is the man who pulled the greatest trick in the established world.

His name is Issei Sagawa. He attended a university in France. This is where you might want to stop reading.

Last chance.


He attended a university in France. There, he took Renee Hartevelt on a date. This is her.

He took her to his apartment and shot her. He defiled her dead body. Then he ate different parts of her body. There are some graphic pictures of her post-feasted body on google. Then a couple days later he dumped the body off somewhere but he got caught. He got arrested.

Here is the great part.

He was arrested but the French government deemed him insane and unfit for trial and placed him in a mental institute. Then since he was Japanese, they deported him to Japan with the order to place him in a mental institute in Japan. However, the paperwork did not specify how long he had to be in the institute. The Japanese government were refused the necessary paperwork to keep Issei Sagawa in the institute and fifteen months later, Issei Sagawa checked himself out of the institute. Yes. He did.

Now, he is a minor-celebrity and food critic. Yes. Food critic. HAHAHAHA. And he's allowed near children (in the photo).

I'm so sorry if I ruined your day.

How disgusting this is. How much more disgusting this must be to God.

I was reminded of this story because Ju told me of another Korean man. This man was 57 years old and he raped a 8 year old girl in a church bathroom. I don't want to go into details but her intestines and pelvic area is permanently damaged. Her intestines were hanging out of her body.

These disgusting things are actually happening and I heard good Christian men saying that these people need to die. Men who are taught to love others want these men dead.

I don't know how to defend these people but I pray even for these people. I think all Christians should. However, I admit, I don't pray too much. It's sad.

How pathetic I am. There are no special cases. There are no especially evil people. We are all evil. Our blood and being flows in them just as it does in us. I want to pray so much for the families and friends of the victims but at times, I feel like the old rapists and the necrophiliac cannibals don't get enough prayer from us.

I wonder what others may think. Everything is so wrong.

God is good. All the time.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Old Boy Review

I was reading a review of a movie somewhere (I don't remember) and I remember reading a piece when the reader said that one of the grossest moments in cinema history is in Old Boy. Not when he pries off the teeth of a man, or when there is incestuous intercourse but the part that bothered the reviewer the most, was when the protagonist got a live octopus and ate it while it was squirming.

I watched the scene, and I seriously think that the scene is rather appetizing. I really felt like eating an octopus. Perhaps not a live one, but octopus side dish or something.

I was partly shocked, then later bothered, that the octopus scene was the one that disturbed the reviewer. How many things has he seen that incestuous intercourse and the prying of teeth is not one of the main disturbing things about the movie. A mere live octopus eating scene? Really? I'm guessing he's disturbed because it is something new and not ever done before.
