Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Greatest Trick Ever Pulled By Man

I'm going start this off with a STRONG WARNING. This is a disturbing post so don't read it if you don't want your day ruined. :D

Special Note to Michelle Park: You might not want to read this. Use your own discretion. :D

So, anywho, this post is about the man on the right (in blue jacket and white pants). He is the man who pulled the greatest trick in the established world.

His name is Issei Sagawa. He attended a university in France. This is where you might want to stop reading.

Last chance.


He attended a university in France. There, he took Renee Hartevelt on a date. This is her.

He took her to his apartment and shot her. He defiled her dead body. Then he ate different parts of her body. There are some graphic pictures of her post-feasted body on google. Then a couple days later he dumped the body off somewhere but he got caught. He got arrested.

Here is the great part.

He was arrested but the French government deemed him insane and unfit for trial and placed him in a mental institute. Then since he was Japanese, they deported him to Japan with the order to place him in a mental institute in Japan. However, the paperwork did not specify how long he had to be in the institute. The Japanese government were refused the necessary paperwork to keep Issei Sagawa in the institute and fifteen months later, Issei Sagawa checked himself out of the institute. Yes. He did.

Now, he is a minor-celebrity and food critic. Yes. Food critic. HAHAHAHA. And he's allowed near children (in the photo).

I'm so sorry if I ruined your day.

How disgusting this is. How much more disgusting this must be to God.

I was reminded of this story because Ju told me of another Korean man. This man was 57 years old and he raped a 8 year old girl in a church bathroom. I don't want to go into details but her intestines and pelvic area is permanently damaged. Her intestines were hanging out of her body.

These disgusting things are actually happening and I heard good Christian men saying that these people need to die. Men who are taught to love others want these men dead.

I don't know how to defend these people but I pray even for these people. I think all Christians should. However, I admit, I don't pray too much. It's sad.

How pathetic I am. There are no special cases. There are no especially evil people. We are all evil. Our blood and being flows in them just as it does in us. I want to pray so much for the families and friends of the victims but at times, I feel like the old rapists and the necrophiliac cannibals don't get enough prayer from us.

I wonder what others may think. Everything is so wrong.

God is good. All the time.


simonchung said...

thanks for ruining my peaceful Sabbath.

Eric :) said...

crazy stuff...