Friday, December 25, 2009


Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008) from Bertie on Vimeo.

This is good. It's about a man who has to live 91 centimetres from himself. That's right, I spelt it British style again.


I watched Avatar in 3D.


but I did watch it with So Young! and she liked it. :D

Bunch of weird MASSIVELY TALL, YUGGS-LIKE blue people. James Cameron spends too much time on the advancement of movie technology so he puts the character development and stuff aside. It's a shame but the graphics were good. There was one or two moments when I thought the movie ended and I thought, "that is the worst movie ending ever."

Some scenes were epic and I got goosebumps but other then that, meh~

Would I recommend it? go watch it, ya little kids! but know, that the storyline comes nowhere near the awesomeness of Titanic. Just go inside thinking that this movie is gonna suck. Then you might have a good time sitting there for three hours.

For me, it unintentionally got hyped up in my brain. shame I say. shame.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jersey Shore Nickname Generator

I found out about a show called Jersey Shore on the Tonight Show with Conan O' Brien and there is a jersey shore nickname generator online. I typed in Richard Chung and it came out, "Sausage Party." I don't know why.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Warring at the Library with My Pegassus 9000

Nerf Wars at the library with my new baby. The Pegassus 9000.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I Lose At Everything

I lose even at studying. I studied two hours and went in the calculus exam fully confident. 30 minutes later, I was sitting in my seat in utter horror as I realized that I couldn't answer 40% of the exam. I stayed in the room for 60 minutes. I spent the last 20 minutes just counting how many problems I couldn't answer and hoping that I could survive the class. I left with another hour left in class because I knew I couldn't do anything.

I'm done but this is the worst feeling in the world. I went in fully confident and thinking that I'd be out in 30 minutes with a decent test score but I failed. I am depressed and I don't want to talk to anybody. DON'T TALK TO ME! NOOOO! DON'T STARE AT ME! ugh. Don't call me. I'll call you if I feel like chilling with you or remember you. If I don't call you, just assume that I don't remember you. Don't get butt-hurt. hohohoh. Now, no one will feel offended because nobody wants to be labeled butt-hurt. Jigguhz. I am sad.

God is good. All the time. Even when I feel lower than the scum on the poop on the feet of a pig.

Studying, Gaming, and Doing Nothing

You don't have to read this. This is another depressing post by a bitter old man. I just need to vent a bit. I want to depress a random person that might chance upon this blog.

I realized that I'd rather be angry than bored. I could stand not ever winning a game in DOTA, munchkins, and even life, but I cannot stand doing nothing and being bored. "Chilling" in a sense. And I realized, if I am willing to be extremely furious and let a stupid game ruin my day over doing nothing and feeling boredom, how much do I really hate "chilling". A freakin lot. This paragraph is for Simon who loves wasting his life "chilling". GAGAGAGAGAGA.

Anywho, what I also found out was that I like studying more than being angry. Because studying gives me a sense of constantly winning. Because when I study, I learn stuff. Not only do I learn stuff I get better grades. So when I study, I win. I don't even let the slight physical pain of head aches and sores bother me. I play to win. Not to have fun. Fun = Winning. Unless I really don't care about the sport. Like Turkey Bowl. I just wanted to go home. GAGAGAGAGAGAGA. I just have no pride in anything except Jesus. I'm sorry. No. That's not true. I'm proud of a bunch of other useless things.

Anywho, another post by your dearest Bitter Old Man. I need a friend who can give up their entire social agenda to be with me. In other words, a girlfriend. But not a girl. and I don't want to get intimate with them so it's ok. I'm not breaking any rules.

Now I have to get back to studying. I'm excited!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm Becoming A Bitter Old Man

In a conversation I had with Simon, I realized that I was become a bitter old man. I hate everybody around me. I'm becoming more and more loose with my tongue and I DESPISE people. They are so annoying. The ones that aren't annoying are the ones that I don't know.

PostScript. I also found out that if a girl or boy "accidentally" curses because they are shocked or randomly scared around church people, then it is HIGHLY likely, that they curse in their everyday life. No one just says, "OH SH--" around church people without including the word "sh--" in their everyday vocabulary. Alas, another sign of my bitter-old-man-ness coming out.

PostPostScript. I'm becoming less and less Christian but it's because I'm bitter at the way the world runs. I'm bitter that God loves us so much that he can see past our utter stupidities and love us and send his son to die for us. I can kind of understand what Jonah felt now when he REALLY wanted the Ninevites to die.

God is good to me. All the time. Even when I'm a bitter prick. God, allow this bitterness in my heart to lift and allow me to enjoy the good things you have brought to my life. Mainly the fact that you died for me.

PostPostPostScript. I kind of stopped caring now without really stopping the caring.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Kick-*** Clip of Big Daddy and Hit-Girl

This movie looks so FUN!!! I'm so excited to watch it! I LOVE NICHOLAS CAGE!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Jesus The-Messiah Christ was disgraced in the eyes of men. So why is it that we, who live in a culture where disgrace is nasty, still worship him? We don't think that people are cool if they get whipped. We don't think they're cool when they're writhing in pain because of an intense whipping session.

As far as the world knows, our Christ brought nothing but opprobrium upon himself in proclaiming to be the Lord of All. How so very ironic.

Likewise, I believe we need to follow in the footsteps of our "disgraced" Lord. Why are we living a life more "honorable" than the one our Lord lived out?

I will tell you why. It's because our sadly pathetic brains are distorted into an impossibly twisted state of being where we see the highest honor as something to be scorned and we see the most disgustingly shameful thing to be something worthy of our yearning and desire.

It really is sad. I gain respect for people who have nicer shoes and boots and grades and looks and personality. I am repulsed by those who earnestly seek God and those who want me to help the poor or the unfortunate. I feel sorry for those who seem to read the bible all day and go to church all week and evangelize to random people at the beach. What I don't realize is that I'm the one that they should feel sorry for.

I'm staring out at a beautiful field from a fiery lake and I don't even realize I'm getting burnt. I'm far beyond the point of being charred to a crisp. I'm looking out with my melted eyes at beautiful things and they repulse me. It's disgusting to me.

Opprobrium. Opprobrium infests our lives and we do not even recognize it. We see it as something to be proud of and flaunt to all our friends. What God did, we do not see. We pretend to but we don't.

In a sense, Christ did bring upon himself an opprobrium. That opprobrium is the fact that he lowered himself into the form of a man that he may save all the little cockroaches roaming the earth. The wonderful part is that God Himself does not see us as cockroach scum. Somehow, he sees past the mud, the dirtiness, the darkness, and sees His children. He sees something fit enough to send his one and only unique son to be tortured and slaughtered, AT THE HANDS of the ones He is saving, so that those filthy animals can have the undeserved chance of an eternally blissful life with Him.

God is good.

ineffably good.

PostScript. I wanted to write a post centering around the word Opprobrium because I recently learned of its existence.

PostPostScript. This is not a sermon but rather a reflection. A devotional thought.

PostPostPostScript. Look forward to the music video! it's gonna be gangster!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Most Wonderful World You've Ever Seen - A Bird In The Empire [Music Video in Production!]

The music video for The Most Wonderful World You've Ever Seen is currently in production! It's gonna happen! Wish us luck!

God is good. All the time. Yes he is.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Top Three Favorite Disney Villains

of Sleeping Beauty

I've recently watched Sleeping Beauty and I never noticed how terrifying Maleficent was. She was a witch queen in the land of Far Far Away and she had her own standing army. WHICH SHE DESTROYED with her own hands. Her staff gives here intense killing power and she could transform into a deadly dragon who shoots green fire. I think sleeping beauty was the movie with the most intense use of magic. The three good fairies put an entire kingdom to sleep so they won't notice that the princess was "sleeping."

Anywho, I really liked Maleficent because she was supposed to be the manifestation of dark things to fear. Just take a look at the character design: her fully black outfit, her devil horns, her fiery cloak, the collar resembling bat wings. Her yellow eyes take away her humanity. She has the shape of a woman but her entire body is covered by her cloak which takes away her humanity. You don't see her limbs. You don't even see her neck. All you see is her face and hands. No feet. I like how her design was meant to inspire fear and it did.

Judge Claude Frollo
of Hunchback of Notre Dame

I don't know if I like Judge Frollo because he is cool but I like him a lot because he seems to be a lot more real than others. He is vilified because of his inappropriate infatuation of a gypsy girl. It doesn't bother us so much that he is burning down all of Paris and the houses of innocent villagers but we are primarily bothered because he is an old pervert that wants a girl out of his league. I am saddened whenever I hear others talk about the judge in this manner because this man in a sense reflects many men.

In the judge's case, he took it the completely wrong way and it just shows his immaturity and inability to handle a situation like that but the temptation that he went through happens to everyone. I feel like it doesn't bother us sometimes because the people who are tempted are not old white people but young attractive or mildly attractive people. The feeling is the same and it's disgusting in both cases.

My favorite song and scene in ALL Disney movies is when the judge has his revealing evil moment. This song, entitled Hellfire, seems to be an honest "prayer" and he recognizes the temptation. What he doesn't recognize is his own flawed way of thinking about it. This is where he goes crazy and burns people's houses.

Anywho, I really like Judge Frollo because he's the one most men are most able to relate to

Captain Hook
of Peter Pan

Ever since I first watched Peter Pan when I was a child, there was something about Captain Hook that fascinated me. Something about his person drew me into him. It wasn't his personality. He was pretty stupid and had a stupider sidekick to rely on. It wasn't his hook. I grew to love the hook later on because it distinguished him from other villains. But the hook wasn't what drew me in.

The thing that attracted me to the captain was the immense mystery concerning his presence and situation. I'm not saying I know everything about all other Disney villains but Captain Hook's situation was rather special to me.

First, we are given information on where all the other Lost Boys came from for the most part. They are kids that Peter Pan "kidnapped" from the world to this new place. However, the Captain is a full grown man and so is his crew. This was a world where time stood still. Kids don't grow up. From this I would imply that people don't age in general. Please pardon my "imply" language. I don't want to make this all scientific and junk.

Anywho, if only kids could get there and kids don't age there, where in the world did the captain come from? Did he also know how to fly? Was he in charge of an expedition to the great unknown and did his trek lead him to the magical land? Honestly, I don't really want to answer these questions because I want to keep the romance of not knowing in tact. I like not knowing because it makes Captain Hook that much cooler. :D

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pulled Over

Today, I got pulled over by Popo while riding on my bicycle. I was pulled over because bikers are not allowed to go through places where students walk and I did. The popo asked me if I knew this and I said no. Because I didn't want a ticket. Then he called in and asked if Richard Chung was ever pulled over and much to my dismay, the radio LOUDLY proclaimed that that I have been pulled over before. :( So I tried to scramble around for excuses and I found one: "I didn't know that the place I went through was considered off limits."(THAT EXCUSE REALLY DOES WORK IN REAL LIFE! THANK YOU DAVE CHAPPELLE!) He let me go but I could tell that he thought I was scum. :( especially because of my ID picture. Sigh. I'm a nice boy. I promise.

God is good. All the time. Even when I get pulled over and judged by the popo.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Beauty of Winter Ruined by Uggs

UGHHHH! I strongly dislike uggs. The only person I like them on is Jason Segel in I Love You Man. I will provide a little context behind this statement.

I found myself to be a connoisseur of footwear. I found myself time and time again staring at random people's shoes. Also, when I meet a person, I sneak a glance at the shoes they are wearing. I find sandals repulsive but I have to excuse it because they are easy to slip on and I wear them all the time (One, because they are extremely easy to slip on and Two, because I always run out of socks to wear.) Crocs are just as bad. Anywho, enough of my dislikes.

I sport the traditional Chucks. Chucks and Vans are always safe choices in my book. Vans slip-ons were acceptable but they are slowly growing uglier and uglier.

Anywho, on to the main point of my post. I am especially attracted to boots. I've been getting a lot of slack because of this by Mimo just because I stuttered on the wrong part of the word. However, I really do like boots. I'm not trying to be vulgar when I say I like boots. I really mean it and I think girls with nice boots should know that they haven nice boots on.

Also, it is currently winter which is the prime time to be wearing boots. THIS IS BOOTS SEASON! YAY!!! I get a plethora of boots to just enjoy and watch at school, at church, at where ever else I go. However, like all things, there are also many boots that are ugly as monkeys.

Now, I really don't want this post to be mainly about the ugliness of uggs but Uggs are the primary boots that girls nowadays wear because it is "fashionable". They think it's like the new chucks or vans for boots. This is a massive misunderstanding on their part and I'm pretty tired of looking at uggs 80% of the time. I want some variety. :(

Anywho, that's my shpeel on winter.

God is good. All the time. Even with Uggs.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hibi No Neiro - SOUR

This is literally the most amazing thing I've seen today. Mad props to Simon who got it from Sarah Chong who got it from her friend for sending it to me via facebook. Enjoy.

I wish my music video was like this. :(

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Second Terrible Dialogue With People

This is the dialogue that took place between me and a friend of mine who will remain anonymous.

Friend A: Hey Richard!
Richard: Hey Friend A!
Friend A: What's up?
Richard: Good.
Friend A: How's it going?
Richard: Good.
Friend A: What the...

Then I ran away with a sheepish grin on my face. Sigh. This is not good.

God is good. All the time. Even when I forget how to speak English or use my brain.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mark Dever

This guy is gangster. Read his books. They are solid. I've seen him and he's kind of scary but that's what makes him cool.

If you don't know his books, use the Google machine.

Double Feature: Two Horror Stories From The Brilliant Mind Of Richard Chung

These are both true stories. Whether you believe me or not, I leave it up to you. But readers beware~


The Horror I:

So I returned from Turkey Bowl and went back to my luscious home. I have forgotten the feeling of going to a place where your sisters are able to bother you about trivialities. Oh how I missed home.

I entered the dark room that my family called the living room/kitchen. I turned on the lights, but the lights were bothersomely dim. I was fascinated by the near useless dimness of the lights. How can anyone live with lights these dim? Perplexed by the phenomenon of dim lighting in my house I went to a bedroom and lied down. As I was staring at the room like bulb, which was also dim, I pondered aloud, "WHAT THE DEUCE IS GOING ON?!"

Then I reached up and took off my sunglasses and everything was bright again.

The Horror II:

I was returning to my car after I ended class. The day before I got a citation for parking in a weird area. I'm still uncertain of the true reason why I got the ticket.

As I was walking towards the car, I noticed the beautiful and majestic tree looming over my car. It had a haunting hue of lightly shaded green. It reminded me of Ooze from Power Rangers Movie, even thought the ooze was purple.

As I was mesmerized by the mysterious effect the tree had on me, I began to think back on the ticket I got the day before. I was distressed. As I reached the car, I noticed another paper stuck between my window wipers. My heart skipped a beat. I dared not look at the second citation of the week.

Finally, after some time of collecting myself, I reached over and found out that it was just a leaf that had fallen from the tree.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Vocabulary In Richard's Dictionary - Zomdie

Zomdie [zom-dahy] –verb (used without object), zomdied, zomdy⋅ing.

1 the act of dying by zombie[s]
2 the act of being eaten alive by a zombie or two
3 the act of turning into a zombie through the process of getting feasted on by one or more zombies