PostScript. I also found out that if a girl or boy "accidentally" curses because they are shocked or randomly scared around church people, then it is HIGHLY likely, that they curse in their everyday life. No one just says, "OH SH--" around church people without including the word "sh--" in their everyday vocabulary. Alas, another sign of my bitter-old-man-ness coming out.
PostPostScript. I'm becoming less and less Christian but it's because I'm bitter at the way the world runs. I'm bitter that God loves us so much that he can see past our utter stupidities and love us and send his son to die for us. I can kind of understand what Jonah felt now when he REALLY wanted the Ninevites to die.
God is good to me. All the time. Even when I'm a bitter prick. God, allow this bitterness in my heart to lift and allow me to enjoy the good things you have brought to my life. Mainly the fact that you died for me.
PostPostPostScript. I kind of stopped caring now without really stopping the caring.
1 comment:
crap, the conversation we had earlier made you realize this?
good luck on your finals!
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