I should make a song entitled that.
Anywho, I realized that whenever I observe my brother, I am filled with an irresistible desire to embrace Sam and just hold him forever. I also realized that my brother does not.
This got me thinking about other instances when I want to just eat a child. I know this sounds horrendous but you know what I feel. It's the feeling you get when you see a little kid SOOOO cute you want to connect to him in any way (which may include consumption of said child).
Anywho, since I cannot embrace anyone forever and I don't think I can eat him (oh man that must be a very special connection), I found a way to squeeze eternity out of the few seconds that I hug a person.
This is what you do: you embrace the person with your whole being. Since you cannot suck everything from the person you're hugging, you give that person your everything and you build the connection. Then after you end the hug, then you can go back to the little piece of yourself that you left in that hug with that person. Sadly, I realized this too late and I did not do this in Paraguay with Laura, BUT I do think that she had a lot of love for me and so I can still kind of go back to it.
The only thing about this is that it fades over time no matter how strong the connection.
If none of this makes sense, then you need to broaden your imagination and stop being so close-minded. :-{) hyuk hyuk.
Back to cannibalism, this thought came to me WHILE I was writing this post but what a special and unique relationship a eater and the eatee must have. right? Nobody can physically be closer to you than a person that eats you. NOBODY! Enough creepiness for you. :-{) hyuk hyuk.
Favorite Insult: "SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO ME!" :-{) hyuk hyuk.
I was watching an episode of Conan (Conan O'Brien show) with Larry King as the guest and I truly realized the charisma of that old man. He completely changed the mood of the show with one question to Snowboarding Carrot Top, Shawn White. It was fascinating to see.
I had more to say but I forgot. :-{) hyuk hyuk.