Sunday, November 29, 2009

Facing Reality

I'm starting to face reality more and more. I feel like I'm losing part of my soul whenever I'm not in my own imagined world. I lose part of myself more and more.

God, allow this depressing reality to face its ugly head away from me.

God is good. All the time. Even as I start seeing the world for what it is more and more.

PostScript. This is a depressing post. I just want to do things my own way. With Jesus. Man. I don't even know what I want. I need to write more songs or something.

PostPostScript. A Music Video is on its way. I'm aiming to record some time this week. Sorry Michelle but I have lots of music video ideas. Don't worry.

[ this is the world I'm comfortable in ]

PostPostPostScript. This is written after the primary posting of this blog. There is nothing that the bewitching aroma of cooking meat cannot fix.

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