I liked it for the most part but I didn't like how it was so long. I just thought that it was a bit dragging. Let's see, I liked the Joker, Two-Face, and that random black guy on the ship. These are my thoughts on the characters.
Batman - I have the same problem with him as everybody else. His voice gets kind of ridiculous. It was kinda ninda acceptable in the first movie but it is not so in this movie.
Joker - I love almost everything about him except one thing: he's dead.
Two-Face - I believe in Harvey Dent. But I think his story just made the story too long. I liked him but still.
Random Black Guy on Ship - This guy is tizzite.
props to the black guy.
he was the bomb.
I actually thought Bale's Batman voice was a lot more tolerable in this one.
Plus, I think you kinda needed Harvey Dent in the movie. Without him, there's no emotional arc. You can't really feel sympathy for The Joker so you had to put Dent in there.
- I smoke crack
okay that was not me. that was my friend
i agree with your thoughts on Joker.
actually, i didn't like joker. what's the big hype? he was a great actor but the character himself isn't very... likable...
harvey dent, however, i liked.
and batman too.
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