I confirmed my suspicions that my body is physically incapable of having nice comfortable naps. Today, I was in the library on the most comfortable chair and the lighting was perfect and everything. And I only slept four hours so I was a little tired. So I decided to just let go and take a nap. I did. And when I woke up, I had the biggest headache just like every other time I took naps.
I feel replenished but at the cost of a humongous headache. It really bums me out since others take so much joy in their naps, while to me, they are a curse upon my being. Plaguing me with headaches and vertigo. :(
I envy those people who can dilly-dally their time away in the land of dreams while us less-fortunate souls can only fight through the rough reality in a semi-conscious state. :(
But it's fine, I wouldn't trade in my anti-nap self for any other self in the world. :)
Curse you nappers! Anti-nappers unite!
ifyou hang out with leah lee enough even the headaches will go away and your naps will become longer and longer. . .
this is the cursed truth
you have betrayed your own kinds. Shameful. haha.
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