Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Infamous Shallowness of Our Society Reflected In Our Greetings

I have heard many international students and non-international students alike saying that American greetings are rhetorical questions that MUST not be answered. I always semi-agreed to this. I hoped that they were just stereotyping Americans.

Today, I found out I was wrong. This is EXACTLY how a greeting went between me and a guy I kind of (but not really) know.

Guy I Know: Richard!
Me: Hey!
Guy I Know: What's up?!
Me: Good!
Guy I Know: How you doin'!?

Then we separated. Man, we are terrible.


Michelle Park said...

Ahaahahah! So true. I never really know how to respond to those questions...

Eric :) said...


i hate it when it gets awkward after that...

simonchung said...

i've never experienced that before. it must just be you.
