Well, I realized that the person I want to marry should be fairly romantic and a perfect girl. And the husband in my wedding, that would be me, should be a perfect husband. Unfortunately, despite all my desires, I know that I'm a complete failure as a human being, let alone a decent man.
Plus, the woman that I want to marry, by her nature, should not want to marry anything resembling a Richard Chung.
Plus, if I married someone I loved, I'd put her above God which would be a great no-no.
So the best solution is this. Marry someone that I don't really love and also someone who is sad enough to consider marrying something like me.
There's one more way which would save me all the trouble. That would be to risk my life so often that eventually, I die in a horrifying accident.
So these are the confessions of the naive little girl inside of me and no matter how you look at it, it all ends in a sad way.
PostScript. Yes, I would consider myself to be a little on the down side nowadays.
i just saw one of the most depressing movies ever... and now i just read your post. please cheer up bro.
you need Jesus
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