Sunday, August 9, 2009

Facebook and The World Today

As I was in the retreat counselor's meeting, I heard something that I found to be particularly true.

Chris Jhu was talking about how on facebook, you see what other people write to each other. You learn things without even trying to learn. I found this to be so true.

Sometimes, I go on facebook, and I see things that just truly disgust me, or stumble me, or just make me depressed. I just see some things that makes me wonder, is this something that I should be reading right now? This sounds like a fairly private matter. I get this all from the home page at Facebook.

So I realized that besides the ease of communication and being invited to events, Facebook is pretty worldly and evil. hahahahahahhahahahaha. I'm a crazy christian that condemns everything about the world! No I'm not. but still, Facebook truly conform to the ways and needs of this worldly world. Such a shame. Facebook used to be such a good boy with simple wallposts and picture updates.

Man. Facebook is starting suck more and more. But I'll use it until in becomes embarassing to use Facebook. Then I'll probably use it for two more years until I catch on that it's too embarassing to use.

OH dearest Facebook. When have you become such a tool of the devil? Man. I can't say that without sounding like one of them kooky Christians. Whatever. Don't judge me!

ALL THAT TO SAY, "Signing onto Facebook is pretty annoying."

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