Monday, August 3, 2009

Pictures From Paraguay

I finally got pictures from Paraguay from BrianHan!

This is a picture of Rosio and Maggie. Maggie hates my guts but I love her all the more for that. Maggie is the cool one in red.

These are some of the other kids that I got attached to. Joanne (in the pink head band) is an extremely talented dancer and Olympista. Paloma (who I'm holding and who I sadly didn't get too close to) is a talented dancer and is ADORABLE in a traditional dancing outfit. I didn't know Sara (way right) too well either. I had a strange encounter with Jenny (girl in middle) though. She came up to me and gave me a bracelet. I was like, "WHOA! thanks." Then she asked me if I could give it to Brian. Sigh. So sad. Anywho, she's still cool.

Then Laura (girl in orange) is my favorite girl in Paraguay. :D

That's it.

1 comment:

Michelle Park said...


How did you get the pictures already :(